
Updating the Google homepage

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Updating the Google homepage

When you go to the homepage there is a lot of really good content, not just the search box; including news, weather, links to interesting sites (from Yahoo) as well as horoscope. But I don't see any of that on the homepage which is basically just a search box. In what ways, could Google update their homepage to be more functional to the user? Which features would you include on the page?


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Well, Google home page is being updated by billions of its visitors, these visitors keep the home page update.

Google home page looks too clear and clean which captures attention of visitors, and it is easy to understand as well, because it doesn't look complicated/jumbled..

On the other hand, Google has more content/features compared to Yahoo, but it presents in different ways, thats why it is Google now, the best search engine all over to globe.

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The concept of the homepage is very old, dating back to the time when AOL was a leading internet service provider. Now, the homepage is an outdated concept, only used by a few major sites (AOL, Yahoo, etc). Google doesn't want to compete with that.

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You might try iGoogle, it lets you customize your Google homepage with gadgets.

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You might try iGoogle, it lets you customize your Google homepage with gadgets.

I used iGoogle back in the day. I'm not sure if it's available anymore.

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