
Is PageRank really that important?

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Is PageRank really that important?

Is PageRank really that important?


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It's important to get links from highly ranked pages for SEO purposes. You don't need to be a highly ranked site to have a listing in search engines. But Google is constantly changing their rules so who can say if that will always be true.

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I think the Page Rank was being used by the Google crawlers to make it easier for them to do their job. Just a glance at the Page Rank would give the crawler an idea if they need to inspect the inside of the site or not. However as of the latest that I’ve heard is that Google is not using the Page Rank anymore. That means the number that you see on the Page Rank of a site it not up to date and has no more value to your site.

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Tommy Matalino
So you mean there will be a time that PR0 sites won't get listed on the search engine?

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I am on the fence about this. I think PR is worthless on my own websites yet I use it when I buy ads or blog reviews to determine if another site is good.

If you are selling links, PR is very valuable.

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Tommy Matalino

If you are selling links, PR is very valuable.

This is one of the reasons I still try to stay up to retain my PR. I mostly do it to sell ads.
But of course, I also use my traffic stats in giving the prices.

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So you mean there will be a time that PR0 sites won't get listed on the search engine?

Possibly, you could ask Google that question. Till then I will continue to ONLY get backlinks from highest PR sites that are related to my niche. Why waste time on low PR sites that obviously have so little value or credibility with Google. If Google considered a site worth anything wouldn't they give it page rank? So doesn't it make sense that's a site worth linking back from?

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Tommy Matalino
But having a low PR but still a related site can still boost your SERPs.

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But having a low PR but still a related site can still boost your SERPs.

You can get backlinks from many sites, low PR or high PR just depends on what you want. Some people believe it looks more natural to get backlinks from a variety of sources, regardless of PR. Just do what you get best results from.

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Tommy Matalino
What if I used to have a link to this high quality PR site, but suddenly, it get spammed. How could this affect my site?

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What if I used to have a link to this high quality PR site, but suddenly, it get spammed. How could this affect my site?

It's just one site, so probably that wouldn't really factor too heavily against you.

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Tommy Matalino
It's just one site, so probably that wouldn't really factor too heavily against you.

I read before that even a single link like that can affect the overall SEO of your site. How true is that?

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I read before that even a single link like that can affect the overall SEO of your site. How true is that?

I saw a video by Matt Cutts where he was saying Google is smarter than to fall for negative SEO done by your competitors where they spam backlink to you to mess up your search engine rankings.

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Tommy Matalino
I saw a video by Matt Cutts where he was saying Google is smarter than to fall for negative SEO done by your competitors where they spam backlink to you to mess up your search engine rankings.

I wonder how can they really tell if it's done by a competitor or by you, yourself. Any idea?

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I think pr is useful. The value pr5 must be more than pr0! Who can refute it?

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Tommy Matalino
I think pr is useful. The value pr5 must be more than pr0! Who can refute it?

How can PR be important? It's just a number, right?

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I wonder how can they really tell if it's done by a competitor or by you, yourself. Any idea?

I'm only going with what Matt Cutts said in one of his videos about negative SEO. Otherwise i wouldn't have said it.

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From what I understand, there is external PR which we see and internal which Google is constantly updating. Most people say that PR is not important... but it is. It is the quality of links you have to your site.

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From what I understand, there is external PR which we see and internal which Google is constantly updating. Most people say that PR is not important... but it is. It is the quality of links you have to your site.

Not sure why people insist that page rank isn't important when google has demonstrated/said time and again that it is and does factor into things. You don't want backlinks from low page rank sites. That's not going to help your page rank or search engine ranking.

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Tommy Matalino
From what I understand, there is external PR which we see and internal which Google is constantly updating. Most people say that PR is not important... but it is. It is the quality of links you have to your site.

Yeah it does. But wouldn't search engine traffic be more important that having a high PageRank?
I have seen sites with high PR but low on traffic...

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If you want to show that a website is rich enough from SEO point of view then yes PR is really important.

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Tommy Matalino
If you want to show that a website is rich enough from SEO point of view then yes PR is really important.

PageRank only? But PR can only achieved by having lots of quality backlinks, right? So how can you tell that the site have a good SEO by just that?

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I don't think the page rank is now important in the SEO , now if you want to get links from a website you should check i'ts domain authority etc..

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Tommy Matalino
I don't think the page rank is now important in the SEO , now if you want to get links from a website you should check i'ts domain authority etc..

How can one check the domain authority?

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SEO isn’t about instant gratification. Results often take months to see, and this is especially true the smaller you are, and the newer you are to doing business online.

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Is PageRank really that important?

Yes its important but not Urgent....Before this you have to increase your website backlinks and traffic...Google will expect from us to give a good PR..

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But how to build backlinks plz anyone give me suggestion ?. My clients are told me that plz your increase your backlinks .

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PR is an abbreviation used for Page Rank it is a phenomenon used by Google to provide authority and relevancy to the sites as per the said and laid principles and criteria it is measured between n/a to 9 and the site with the highest authority and popularity is always having highest of the rank, PR doesn't have to do with ranking on SERP it is just a way to describe the popularity and relevancy and importance of a site on the web, lets take an example of Facebook you see the PR is 9 and you may know why is it the only site to get such a high PR because of its universal popularity and importance even in personal usage as well along with professional use. It is universally known and loved domain.

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Is PageRank really that important?

Page rank really matters coz ..Among the hundreds of weighting factors that Google considers in determining how to rank search engine results is the age of your domain.In other words, how long that domain has been around.Pagerank can be vital for any website that depends on traffic from Search Engine. You will be ranked higher than another sites if you have a good pagerank.Only the high PR sites would attract visitors in large number..The older the domain is, the higher the ranking.always the older site that is well optimized would be ranked higher than a newer site . by analyzing between the date of creation and expiry of the domain from the domain age can be found.And coming for new sites SEO tools must be handled in order to obtain good PR.

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yeah Page Rank really is very important.

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PR is still important but when looking for links relevancy counts much more

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For backlink its important to get high PR backlinks.

But there is no such rule that low PR or PR0 cant come at 1st page.

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Is PageRank really that important?

Page Rank is a very mis-understood term. Page Rank was named after a guy named Larry Page, an EX VP at google that came up with a indexing algorithm proprietary to only Google

But what does it really mean to you and your site?

Simply put, page rank is defined by the age of your domain and a complex mathematical equation of other sites ages and their back links that link back to you. The rest of the ranking algorithm is solely based on your content, linking and coding structure and some other stuff.

Page Rank is not a determining factor of any other Search Engine other than Google.

It's easy to see that Google is only a leader in freeware - as far as their rankings are concerned - they follow.

If you own top organic positions in Yahoo and Bing, you will in Google as well at about a 30-60 day delay.

How many sites do I own that are a PR 0 or 1 that outrank the rest in their Genre? Every dang one of them!

Don't think you can outrank a PR7-8 with a PR0? Think again.

Actually, pay the phrase "PR" no mind it's useless and archaic.

Remember this about Google and their supposed webmaster rules to live by. What's good today will be bad tomorrow, and what was bad yesterday will be great next week. They are the only SE out there that banks a fair check in making a LOT of people run around looking like blind squirrels trying to find a nut.

Just keep your eyes on the other two and that's what you'll be in Google in a month or two.

In a few years, Google will be dumped by the masses as people will see it for the useless advertising behemoth it really is. No different than facebook will be regarded as the

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Is PageRank really that important?

Yes and no. SERP is really what's important. Visitors aren't going to look at your PR before deciding to visit the site, they are going to look at the top Google search results.

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yes in the sense PR is so important factor to establish your business empire at the PR high you will surely get more traffic and as a result you will get more business.Is PageRank really that important?

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I guess that I have always felt that it was important. I think that your site is more successful when you have a higher page rank.

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Page rank depends on your back link, the more quality back link you have the more page rank you can achieve.

Quality Off page work can help you to gain more page rank, therefore page rank is important.

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Tommy Matalino
yes in the sense PR is so important factor to establish your business empire at the PR high you will surely get more traffic and as a result you will get more business.Is PageRank really that important?

Like seogawd stated, PageRank doesn't produce traffic. You can get high PR but don't get traffic.
I have seen sites with PR3 but with little to no traffic at all. A site with PR1`even get a higher traffic than that.

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Tommy Matalino
PR is something that defines how good your website is. When we are about to buy links we always buy from well page ranked sites. Because those sites are trusted, frequently visited and really useful for peoples.

How can PageRank, a certain number, prove that a certain site is of high quality? Any site, may it be of low quality, can spread links pointing to it and gain a high PageRank. Am I right, or wrong?

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1. Google says do not worry about pageRank, let them.
2. pageRank is an algorithm that is used to determine placement in search
3. if you write good content, your site is linked to and ultimately PR goes up
4. do not just link your homepage
5. Note: a directory with a PR9 homepage may have only a PR of 0 or 1 on the actual page you link to.
6. Quirk has a search tool that can show you PR/Alexa/Moz/Compete and if a site is do-follow or not.

Thanks for reading,
Moku Yun

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yes it is the most important thing in seo..

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PR shows the status of a website. It represent its popularity. And if you want ads on you website definitely your web PR should be good.

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Tommy Matalino
PR shows the status of a website. It represent its popularity. And if you want ads on you website definitely your web PR should be good.

PageRank measures your site's popularity? Since when?

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PR shows the status of a website. It represent its popularity. And if you want ads on you website definitely your web PR should be good.

Webmasters often assume this is true; the higher a site's page rank, the more popular it is. And, that makes them want to advertise on the site. However, there could be many reasons the site is ranked so high. The site might not be so much popular as authoritative in Google's opinion. A site could probably be low page rank, but still very high traffic and popular with fans. Maybe the two things popularity and page rank are not related.

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If your concern is traffic from the search list, I’d say the page rank is very important because usually, the searchers will get to page 2 as the farthest. That means if your link does not land on the first page of the search list, your chances of getting stray visits is not really good. That’s why the SEO is now the in thing because of that page rank. The ultimate goal of websites is to be on Page 1 of the search engine list.

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