
Do you need proof to back up your claims?

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Do you need proof to back up your claims?

Should advertisers be required to provide proof of claims made in an advertisement? For instance, if a diet pill company states that you can lose 10 pounds easily in 30 days, should they be required to provide testimonials and proof from real customers who achieved those results? Or, are advertisers free to make any claim they want?


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I'm not sure if you have to include testimonials but you would need to provide proof of some type of study that has been conducted which conclusively proves your claims. This would be third party evidence, based on research and studies rather than someone's word that a product works.

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Jackson, if you want to play it safe, and I always recommend it, follow the "Truth in Advertising" guidelines issued by the FTC. Compliance prevents lawsuits, frozen assets, and perhaps even jail time.

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If you have a good product or service, then you won't need to lie or cheat in order to make sales. You will just have to simply tell the truth. Back up what you say with proof. Stick to your word and don't make promises you can't keep. And, in a world of liars and scammers, you will stand out as a shining beacon of hope for the weary (and often skeptical) buyer. Just stick to the right path and you can't go wrong.

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Be prepared to back up your claims, whatever they may be about your product or get ready to be sued. The government can and will bring legal action if you can't prove what you are saying.

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