
Need help advertising

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Need help advertising

I own a social media exchange website and I need to get it to blow up, I need thousands of new users per day and active visitors, though I do not know where to advertise it. I've paid for many advertising websites, none worked, here is the list:
Topsocialexchanges (Paid lots for 1 week banner ad, 10 clicks only)
Google adwords (Website suspended)
Facebook ads (Website suspended)
paidverts (Doesn't help)
B4PSAds (Doesn't help)

My website is
if you can help with advertising please reply thanks!


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My suggestion to you would be to create a Want To Buy (WTB) listing, as you will have bids from people who are interested and could provide these services to you. This will also give you the opportunity to reply to each one and figure out which Seller is right for what you require, your needs would be more fine tuned, so to speak...


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Thanks for the advice @NaturalWriter

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