
What type of ads can you mix and match with Google Adsense?

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What type of ads can you mix and match with Google Adsense?

Are you allowed to use other ads near or next to your Google Adsense ad boxes?


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Google says so long as you don't try to make the site visitor think the other ads belong to Google Adsense, then you can use any other ads you want on the site.

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Google Adsense allows you to have other ads on your website and the only requirement is your ads should not appear like the main content and the visitors should be able to distinguish ads with the website contents. Google Adsense is compatible to number of other ad networks. You can use ad (yahoo bind ad) and infolinks along with Google Adsense. You can also use affiliate ads such as amazon and clickbank along side adsense.

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I use Amazon banners alongside Google ads and the blend well.You wouldn't even know which is which.So you can try Amazon affiliate program.

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