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Affiliate IDs on Forum Links?

Is there a way? or Do you think we will ever be able to in the future, add our Affiliate ID onto links for the SEO Clerks Forum?


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There are some very good tutorials on SEOClerks forum I would love to link to and including an affiliate ID would be nice. :3

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Hey Sean,

At this time there's no way to incorporate your affiliate ID into a forum URL, the affiliate system is built into the core marketplace platform so none of it's functionality is a part of the forum as it's running XenForo.


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Hey Sean,

At this time there's no way to incorporate your affiliate ID into a forum URL, the affiliate system is built into the core marketplace platform so none of it's functionality is a part of the forum as it's running XenForo.


Thanks for letting me know, it this something that cant be done? or May be done at some point in the future?

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Thanks for letting me know, it this something that cant be done? or May be done at some point in the future?

Hey Sean,

In terms of being possible I am very sure an add-on could be developed for XenForo but I couldn't say for sure of it ever happening. Anything is a possibility but it's simply not a set plan at the time of me writing.


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Cool, well its good to know that it is possible. Affiliate IDs on Forum Links? Yeah, was just wondering about it, hopefully we will see this in the future, but I understand its not in the plans as of yet. Affiliate IDs on Forum Links?

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I want to see this feature too as I'm always linking to SEOClerks forum posts from my Facebook page. If I could include an affiliate link in that post link, then I would get credit for anyone signing up to SEOClerks via the forum after clicking my link.

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