
How can I feel more comfortable writing?

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How can I feel more comfortable writing?

Writing is not my specialty, but I'm working into it slowly. I don't feel comfortable writing. There will be times when I'll write for a few minutes, even on my blogs and just want to quit. Other times, I am more energetic with my ideas and can go for at least half an hour before I run out of ideas or just feel as if I can't physically go on. Maybe writing is just not my thing.


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You might feel more comfortable dictating the ideas and then transcribing them for publication on your blog or other medium. Sometimes, the physical act of typing stunts the creative process for those who are not accustomed to working a long time on the computer.

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You're trying too hard!
Be yourself. Imagine being in a conversation with someone.
Describe the surroundings, and the conversation.

Describe every scenario, of how YOU see it. Work on that end. The others will follow!

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Just go with the flow of writing. Read lots. That works for me. Sometimes, I read a book that inspires an idea or conversation in my head and then I just write it down and work into one of my stories later on. This could work for you too when it comes to creative writing.

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The more you write, the easier it will be.

Write as much and often as possible, even if it's not good.

Constantly revise and rewrite what you've done to make it sound even better than before.

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Keep a notebook of ideas that you would like to write about and then you can always have something to work on!

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Fiction writing takes a lot more creativity than nonfiction writing. So even if you are proficient at article writing, you still might struggle with writing for comics or manga. For this, you should simply hire someone to write the content you want. That way, you can devote more of your time to creating the artwork aspect. This will be a better solution than trying to learn to write fiction. Of course, you would provide the basic idea of what you want the storyline to be about but the other person could flesh it out for you.

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I was like you before. After a thorough introspection, I came to the conclusion that my fingers hurt with continuous writing. When the computer came to fore, I tried to learn using the word processor. I exerted effort to learn typing with the touch system. When I got comfortable in typing, writing felt much easier. Maybe because my typing is relegated to my motor skills so my creativity is not diluted.

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Always choose a niche and topic that your comfortable about. Concentrate on things that your passionate about and on niches that you are considered an authority in. Doing this would ensure a comfortable writing experience.

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Just write whatever is on your mind, write what you want to say using your own words. Don't think about grammar, punctuations, lenght etc because all these are secondary. You have to start somewhere, so just accept that you're not a good writer yet and just write plainly. Do this daily and you'll improve in no time.

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