
Do you edit your own articles?

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Do you edit your own articles?

When you are writing for your blog or site, do you take time to edit and proof read your own blog articles, or do you pay someone to do so?


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For me, there is a big difference between editing and proof reading, which only involves minor revisions and checking for spelling errors. An editing job might involve an entire rewrite of an article which would involve more time and likely more pay to the person doing the job.

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I can't really imagine hiring anyone to write or edit articles for me. I have too much fun doing all that for myself and would never deprive in that way. Maybe if someone wanted to produce thousands of articles then they should ask for help or hire someone to do writing or editing.

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I will proof read and edit my own content, however...
When I feel like I'm going cross eyed, I put it away until the next day, and look at it again with fresh eyes!
Once my final proof is done, I get my other half to look over, just as a second pair of eyes at a glance ;)

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Most bloggers do both writing and editing as it allows them to refine the idea of the story down to fit the blog theme as well as a preconceived notion of what the article should be about. Though you could pay someone to edit a very basic raw form of your article, you would lose the essence of your own meaning as they shaped it into what they thought it should be.

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the blog can be written and edit to update last update time.

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It would not be such a bad thing if you hired someone to revise and edit your own articles. In that way, you could easily move on once most of the article was done and begin writing something new.

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I would let someone else read my work before publication if they wanted. And, I might take suggestions on improvements if that person felt one area did not read smoothly.

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Yes I do. I go over them again and again to make sure that the work is correct.

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Better it edit by ourselves it gives more experience on writing and it will help to find out the fault made by writer, so i thin it is best to edit by ourselves is good..

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Yes I do. I will read them out loud once they are done to check for mistakes.

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I do edit them myself. I like to be able to do all the work myself and then I send them in and the client checks them over to approve or ask for changes.

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yes i edit my own article so essay.

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I would love an expert to be editing my work but it has not been easy trying to make good money to afford an editor.

For the reason above I have been editing my work myself but I hope to start using an expert soonest.

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I always double check my articles before mailing to clients or uploading on behalf of them on their WordPress admin.

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I think it is best for another person to proof read and edit your work. But how can I find such a person to do that for me when I am an amateur writer and I cannot afford to pay? Obviously, I have to proof read my own work and I do it very slowly and carefully so I don't need to repeat my proof reading. With editing, I take notes of all the portions that I feel needing to be changed. After going through the entire article, that's the time I would infuse the changes and proof read again. Sometimes I get to do the procedure more than 5 times.

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I do not see not having the time as a reason for me to pay someone to edit the article I have written for my blogs or sites that I work on. I use my time to do that and try to do it to the best of my knowledge for I try to save that cost and use it on other things that might arise later.

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