
How long does it take for you to write an article?

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How long does it take for you to write an article?

I'd like to get an idea of how long it takes other writers to completely write an article from scratch, not just rewriting, including all research, writing and revisions.


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About 3 hours on average.... Way too much How long does it take for you to write an article?

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It depends on what the article is about. If it's something I'm knowledgeable about; even if it's a little bit, then it doesn't take me too long. Even if it's something I'm interested in learning about, It would take me a shorter period of time.

Now, if it's something that I have no interest in, or if it's boring.... It could take me longer just to build ambition within myself to start writing.

I'm going to say approximately (depending on the topic) 1.5hrs for something of interest, I haven't has a topic that I didn't have interest in yet, but I'm sure that will come in time as I'm use to writing personal stories, and stories based around mature

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For an article of 500 to 800 words, I normally write the draft until the final version in 1 to 2 hours. But that doesn't include the time spent in building the article outline. There are outlines that are pending due to lack of information and it needs proper research. Some outlines are easy to make when the information I need are in my stock knowledge. And if we would include the time spent in doing the outline, maybe it is an average of 2 to 3 hours all in all.

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I am someone that does not rush while writing articles both the ones that I put on blogs and the ones that I write for clients and that the reason I spend up to two hours writing each article to ensure that it possesses the best qualities of a good article around the internet.

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How long it takes to write an article depends on number of factors, such as:
lenght: if I am writing a 500 words article, all I need is two hours (researching and writing), however, if I am writing 2000 words article, it can take the entire day.
topic: if I am writing article on the topic I am well versed, I can write a 1000 words article in 2-3 hours, however, articles on the topic that I do not know much takes a lot of time.

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A short article of 200-400 words would take me about two hours to write and edit. While full length articles with less than 800 words can take me up to 4 hours to right and edit. It really depends if I'm familiar with the subject or not.

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