
What are your favorite research tools?

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What are your favorite research tools?

Growing up, we had an Encyclopedia Britannica series, which was very helpful for homework assignments and general learning. Many Saturdays were spent browsing the volumes. Nowadays, I use Google for all my research as there are millions of useful pages of information available. The Wiki pages are really good, especially WebMD and anything Google related (for webmaster/SEO issues). What's your favorite research tools or sites online to research questions/issues?


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Wiki is a very good resource but still you will want to cross check the accuracy against another source before relying upon it as these pages are open to interpretation and frequent editing and might have discrepancies.

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I use Wiki quite a bit. I like that it is simple to use and has been a favorite of mine for awhile.

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I use Wiki quite a bit. I like that it is simple to use and has been a favorite of mine for awhile.

Wiki is a very good educational tool, which I often use for research on general subjects and also as homework help for my daughter's assignments.

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Which research resources I use depends on the type of article I'm writing. For example, when writing medical articles, I'll go to Governmental websites, sites for organizations that focus on a specific condition and the Physicians' Desk Reference. I only use Wki's to glean references appearing at the bottoms of appropriate topic pages.

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wiki is the most preferable here when it comes to issues like this. wiki is a very good useful tool for research.

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I make use of encyclopedia for most of my research for it gives a deeper view on the subject matter that I am writing on. I mean by reading the articles on the encyclopedia, I always learn more before I start my proper writing.

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