
How do I give negative feedback?

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How do I give negative feedback?

I'm not sure why it's so difficult just to find how to give someone negative feedback on this site. It only allows me to give recommendations on the seller. It makes no sense

I purchased 12,000 like4like points on the 24th. It says clearly in his description that it will take one day MAX. So I wait 48+ hours and ask him what the deal is (the 26th), he responds that it takes 24 hours after I make the order. I inform him that its been over 24 hours. That's when he tells me that it's my mistake and I misread what I was buying

Long story short I still have not recieved my points, and after 10 minutes of searching how to give someone negative feedback, I still cant find it. So, can someone point me in the right direction?

As a first time customer on your site, unless something is changed, this experience has made it so I do not want to come back.

Users name: JohnSmilth


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Sorry to hear that you aren't satisfied with some service. Before you get angry i would suggest to cancel your order by requesting mutual cancellation. You can't leave positive or negative feedback before seller mark that as delivered, because you don't see that form to fill up before it's done.
So once again, try to cancel order. Click mutual cancellation and provide reason for it if you not happy with outcomes so far. If you still not happy any further, you can submit ticket to help desk and explain what is going on, so they could help you out.

No need to give up on other seoclerk sellers because this community have big number of very trusted freelancers.

If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask!

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Yes I already did this, I gotcha.
The way he acted is the only reason I'm mad.
After 3 days of waiting, when I ask if the accounts are ready, this is what he says exact postings.
"After 24 hour they will me ready.!!!!!!!!!!"

I replied its been over 24 hours which he never responded to.
Then on the status of order he replies last night after ive already went to sleep
"its your problem u was not read my statement i will deliver u all in 24 account this statement was mad by me in title are u bline ??or some thing else its not my problem dear. but i am ready to give you 12k in 12 account just for you. if you agree reply fast"
then he says 20 min later
"i am ready to deliver you accountsreply fast"

I just dont have time for his silly games and the $5 isnt even worth the trouble of dealing with him. I canceled the order we will see what happens

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Yeah, i know you must be frustrated. I experienced similar situation with points sellers. But you are protected as buyer and just get your money back and try someone better. To choose better supplier you just look for ratings and recommendations to be safe! Price is not always good path.

Hope you will be ok

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It's understandable to be frustrated if you don't get what you paid for. And, one of the best things you can do in this situation is cancel (which you already have done) and possibly file a help ticket on the situation. Maybe the seller is doing the same thing to other buyers. You never know, but it would be useful to report a seller who is falling down on the job.

Of course, there are lots of good sellers on SEOClerks, it's just a few here and there that give everyone a bad name.

Of course, you can't leave a negative feedback if you cancel an order as the seller has not completed the work for you. That's one of the disadvantages of cancelling, you can't really leave your opinion about poor quality of the seller's work for others to see.

I hope your future experiences with SEOClerks will be more pleasant.

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Of course, you can't leave a negative feedback if you cancel an order as the seller has not completed the work for you. That's one of the disadvantages of cancelling, you can't really leave your opinion about poor quality of the seller's work for others to see.

I think that is the most ridiculous aspect of SEOclerks. Why on earth can a buyer not leave feedback if an order is cancelled?

I'm a buyer - I need likes on my YouTube videos.
So I see a seller who is selling these likes, I see the feedback is good, no negative feedback - So I buy.
Then I wait.
And wait.
...and wait. The order is not fulfilled.
I complain to my seller. Why have you not started my order? I need this order doing and already it's 5 days?
The seller offers to mutually cancel. He can't be bothered to fulfil my order.

So now I have wasted 5 days on this seller, who is cancelling an order, yet he continues to advertise it. I'm annoyed.
What are my options? I mutually accept the cancellation, but by doing so, I can't inform other buyers like me that this guy is a time-waster.
I reject the cancellation, in which case - The order never gets fulfilled - He just needs to ignore it. The order never gets filled, I'm never able to close it (without mutually cancelling). Feedback to this event will never be left to alert other buyers. Seller gets away with it to do it again to someone else.

Ridiculous system. This is why SEOclerks is full of bad sellers. They only need to exploit this loophole.

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I think that is the most ridiculous aspect of SEOclerks. Why on earth can a buyer not leave feedback if an order is cancelled?

I'm a buyer - I need likes on my YouTube videos.
So I see a seller who is selling these likes, I see the feedback is good, no negative feedback - So I buy.
Then I wait.
And wait.
...and wait. The order is not fulfilled.
I complain to my seller. Why have you not started my order? I need this order doing and already it's 5 days?
The seller offers to mutually cancel. He can't be bothered to fulfil my order.

So now I have wasted 5 days on this seller, who is cancelling an order, yet he continues to advertise it. I'm annoyed.
What are my options? I mutually accept the cancellation, but by doing so, I can't inform other buyers like me that this guy is a time-waster.
I reject the cancellation, in which case - The order never gets fulfilled - He just needs to ignore it. The order never gets filled, I'm never able to close it (without mutually cancelling). Feedback to this event will never be left to alert other buyers. Seller gets away with it to do it again to someone else.

Ridiculous system. This is why SEOclerks is full of bad sellers. They only need to exploit this loophole.

if this option is granted, many greedy buyers will take advantage of this to get thier money back despite the fact that the order was successfully delivered. also competitive sellers will use this to knock off other sellers so that they will be the only ones to sell. it is better as ti si for the good interest of the trusted and genuine sellers.

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I can honestly say, this is the worst part of SEOclerk and 100% the reason why I don't use it too often.

Since my last problem, another problem has arisen.

I need shares on my Facebook page, so I find a seemingly reputable level 3 seller.
This level 3 seller starts my order, he gets half way but his actions cause the post he is sharing to be deleted by Facebook.
In addition to this, I can't repost the toy video he was sharing as Facebook now blocks it.
The seller requests to mutually cancel the order.

So I can get my money back, but I can't leave feedback to warn others what can happen if you use this service. Thus, the level 3 seller can go on with an unblemished record, only to do it again to some other poor buyer who sees him as reputable as I did initially.

Crazy system that favors sellers and disregards its buyers opinions as unimportant UNLESS they are predisposed to leave positive comments, which they would most likely do if an order gets finished.

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