
Wrong accused

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Wrong accused

Hello Seo community,

Can I report those scammers? He accused wrong person.
Here is screenshot
Wrong accused
I didn't do any scams. Also he didn't even buy a service from me.
So, what should i do now? Anyone gonna help me?
Thank you Wrong accused


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You can see from your screenshot, on the right side you have button to "Report", so i suggest to use it and explain it while submitting your report to official staff!

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You can see from your screenshot, on the right side you have button to "Report", so i suggest to use it and explain it while submitting your report to official staff!

Alright Sir. Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate that Wrong accused
I will do that now.
Have a great day Sir.
I am new to seoclerk that's why Wrong accused

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Contact the helpdesk for they can take a look at it and find a solution for both parties. I really wish for a place where the seller and the buyer do a smooth business.

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