
Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr

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Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr

I often visit "Want to buy" section and find many interesting offers to pickup the job. However i am many many times frustrated :mad: when i see how unprofessional some people can be and how LOW it looks like when you see some great offer with good details about job requirements, then blow you see few offers type:

ready to work

or like this:

Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr

What the heck.... This is so looooow, so unprofessional.... I would never buy from seller like this, even if it's expert in job.
People like this really need some education, because this site should be looking like union of professionals, not like trash market!!!

I know that many of these sellers send PM with their offers, but it is not enough!

When you accepting someones BID, you accepting terms which is written in their bid offer, and in bids like this, there is no any promise that they will do anything for you in return for your money. Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr

I really wish that sellers take this site more seriously, because this is great marketplace.

Let's make this place nice, tidy and professional looking!! Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr


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you are very right. a professioanl doesnt need to buy. his work and clients reviews speaks for him.

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Absolutely! I love the idea about all of us being a union of professionals. And, I always strive to be at my most professional best, with highest ethics whenever working with my clients. And, of course, best English usage too.

However, not everyone is a native English speaker here and some are just doing the best they can with responding in the limited English they know. Many struggle with writing the English language correctly.

That's how I always try to look at these situations, giving the person the benefit of the doubt that maybe they don't know or can't do any better.

And, yes I can understand your concerns here. It's not just about semantics. The sellers here are clearly not spelling out what they will do for the buyer in these situations. So if they leave that blank, it could be assumed by the buyer that the seller has agreed to all he has stipulated in his 'want to buy' ad.

That could lead to unfortunate consequences and misunderstandings. Placing a bid on a WTB creates a contract to do the job, if the buyer accepts that bid. And, the seller is obligated. Ideally, the seller will consider twice before hastily making a commitment if he or she is not willing to do all that is asked.

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I think there should be a limit of description before they can submit an offer, Like please write atleast 200 - 300 words before submitting offer/bid !

They would probably write please order me and copy / paste it as many times as need... i seen this too

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I just consider this an easy way to weed out the people I know I will not order from. Not sure if this could ever be stopped or is considered spam or not, but it's a pretty easy way to know to steer clear.

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klo,. beverly is one of such moderators. we have others like natural writer etc but i dont think they are much. surely we may need more to moderate this site but i dont really think the spam are much for me. i have gained a lot here.

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klo,. beverly is one of such moderators. we have others like natural writer etc but i dont think they are much. surely we may need more to moderate this site but i dont really think the spam are much for me. i have gained a lot here.

Well, moderator on not, we all can help. In the forum and seoclerks services, everywhere is link "report", so i suggest we use it to help mods and make this place spam free

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Never faced this problem .. it seems to be a desperate attempt to get review.

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hmmmm.. never really noticed the ''report'' link. it is really very good atleast to keep spammers in check.

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Well, moderator on not, we all can help. In the forum and seoclerks services, everywhere is link "report", so i suggest we use it to help mods and make this place spam free

I report crap posted in the WTB section quite often, and I hear you on the poor quality of posts there.

Just a few minutes ago I noticed one that just had a number with NO description at all, yet the seller was a level 4, which is a rarity around here, so I checked out his services and he had over 1000 sales!! Whoa!! I looked them over and was shocked at just how vague the descriptions were, to the point where a buyer really wouldn't know exactly what they were buying. I've also seen Clickbank sales pages that were so vague they were laughable, yet the products sold very well (high gravity).

So, maybe the "secret" to success is to be vague and use "smoke and mirrors" to dazzle the buyer. lol

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So, maybe the "secret" to success is to be vague and use "smoke and mirrors" to dazzle the buyer. lol

LOL Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr I like that one

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lol,.very funny,. u mean use minors and smoke,.that is over desperation. good qulaity work and positive reviews speaks well of a good seller.

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lol,.very funny,. u mean use minors and smoke,.that is over desperation. good qulaity work and positive reviews speaks well of a good seller.

"Smoke and Mirrors" (the words I used) is an expression meaning to create an illusion for the purpose of deceiving someone or hiding the truth.

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"Smoke and Mirrors" (the words I used) is an expression meaning to create an illusion for the purpose of deceiving someone or hiding the truth.

okay, thanks. i have noted it. sorry if there is a misinterpretation of your words.

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Abid I just read your post It was very informative and I can say you are right atleast the one who is bidding should know what he is bidding on sometime I got silly responses to my WTB as well Order me plese Sir... Grrrrr totally irrelevant

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i go with you on this, you are very right.

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They would probably write please order me and copy / paste it as many times as need... i seen this too

Yes I could also see this happening or them just copying and pasting whatever to get to that word count.

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hmmm,. that is another twist to this. really strange and funny.

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