
Offline clients pay more. Is this true?

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Offline clients pay more. Is this true?

I have heard reports of freelancers being paid more by offline clients. This is especially true for website building where clients offline will pay several hundred dollars for a site to be created that an online client won't pay $5.00 for. Have you also found this to be true?


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This might be true. Though all of my business is from online clients now, I would like to attract offline clients too who are not familiar with online pricing. I will look into this idea.

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Its not sure.If yes .Its chances is only when they are your local customers.

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Yes, it's very true. Most online clients are cheapskates used to getting work for almost nothing, so that's what they now expect, especially in the microjob economy.

Most offline clients, on the other hand, have never even heard of microjob sites where everything costs just a few dollars, so they are much more willing to pay a decent wage for work done for them.

I build websites for both online and offline clients. The average amount I get for building a site for an online client is $18-50, but for an offline client it's $89-300, and the last offline client gave me an extra $50 just for a bonus tip. The difference is significant.

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I am not sure....all of my clients are online.

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I dont think so that Offline clients pay more its depend to you how to deal with clients.

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The online client is so spoiled especially when dealing with gig related sites and expects everything to cost $1.00 or less. Offline clients would never pay such a small amount.

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If I was totally reliant upon my business online, I would not be in business. Yet if I didn't have a business online, my company would still thrive. The extra $$ I make online is awesome and sometimes better then others, but the $$ I make alone with advertising services on craigslist is 10x or more then the amount I make for the same services online. Then with offline clients comes the monthly maintenance fees Offline clients pay more.  Is this true? which is a big plus.

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If I was totally reliant upon my business online, I would not be in business. Yet if I didn't have a business online, my company would still thrive. The extra $$ I make online is awesome and sometimes better then others, but the $$ I make alone with advertising services on craigslist is 10x or more then the amount I make for the same services online. Then with offline clients comes the monthly maintenance fees Offline clients pay more.  Is this true? which is a big plus.

Thanks for confirming this about using Craigslist for offline advertising. I have always thought it would be a good idea.

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Thanks for confirming this about using Craigslist for offline advertising. I have always thought it would be a good idea.

You're welcome Offline clients pay more.  Is this true? it's worked out pretty well for me. The key is to not break any laws. I've heard stories of people using tools and software to SPAM craigslist and being contacted by the FBI. Something about violating the CAN-SPAM Act. I don't know how legitimate it is, but I just try to steer clear of spamming anything. I'm not going to say I don't put links out, I just don't go over-board. Heck, I've even tested SEOclerks affiliate links on Craigslist with no problem. No results either.

I also make sure my ads are at least 700 words long and have compelling images. Plus having a reference of your work helps. I have websites I've designed and a couple clients I've ranked on the first page for multiple keywords. But before ranking my first clients and designing my first websites I honestly faked it! I learned how to barely build a WP site and as soon as I knew a little, I put out an ad on Craigslist. $150 to build local clients websites. I wasn't great, but I was good enough to make a client happy for $150, and I learned to be better while getting paid Offline clients pay more.  Is this true?

The thing is, it opened up the opportunity for me to upsell my clients SEO and outsource it. I obviously read a ton of literature on SEO before even attempting this. I didn't have the money for SEO tools or a VPS to run them, I didn't have the time to do White Hat SEO, I knew Gray Hat SEO works fast if you can apply it properly, I knew there were places to outsource good SEO, and I studied till my eyes hurt so I could utilize it the right way. Then I sold it.

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Yes from my point of views its true offlline client pay more than online bcs offlline client knows you very well before release work even he know you personally also so his expectation is much high from you when you are working offline so he can able to pay $500 instead of $50 in online.
its actually depend upon the client mind set..

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Usually offline clients are people that encounter some difficulties related to online shopping. Most of them are people that prefer the "old shopping fashion", and because they can't compare many related offers in a short time (like on the internet), we can sell our service to them at higher prices.

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It could be true. I guess it depends on what you are offering and who you are finding to buy your services.

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