
Fake buyers

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Fake buyers

What can we do for fake buyers?


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Talk to them before you accept any order.

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The only thing to do is avoid that type of buyers

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i would suggest the support team that just add one cancellation ratio for buyers and rate it like 10% to 100%. if one buyer cancellation ratio is less than 50% than, we would think twice before accept there order because they treated as fraud buyers. if any one like my suggestion please like it.

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i would suggest the support team that just add one cancellation ratio for buyers and rate it like 10% to 100%. if one buyer cancellation ratio is less than 50% than, we would think twice before accept there order because they treated as fraud buyers. if any one like my suggestion please like it.

Yes you are right and this is really a good step.

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fake buyers definitely should punished.

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i would suggest the support team that just add one cancellation ratio for buyers and rate it like 10% to 100%. if one buyer cancellation ratio is less than 50% than, we would think twice before accept there order because they treated as fraud buyers. if any one like my suggestion please like it.

Yes ! That Is Right !

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dont work with their order. make mutual cancellation if you found them to be fake.

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dont work with their order. make mutual cancellation if you found them to be fake.

Good idea

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What can we do for fake buyers?

Fake or troublesome buyers is something you'll meet no matter what you do. At least a few times in your career. However, you can usually easily spot these. First of all, once you get a new sale. Make sure the buyer enters the correct details you need and make sure they understand what they are buying. This is one of the easiest things to do but also one of the main reasons for getting into trouble, just because most sellers doesn't do this. Most sellers are to eager to complete the orders, to earn money, so they forget or overlook these things.

Secondly, on SEOClerks, you can check the user profiles. Just click on the buyers username and look for the "buyer rating". As you can see below, I've attached a screenshot from my own profile. 99% seller rating and 100% buyer rating.

Fake buyers

I would personally avoid any buyer with a buyer rating less than 75%. On top of that, you can ALSO check "recent buyer ratings" and/or "recommendations" on their profile. Just scroll down the page and read their ratings.

That way, you'll also be able to find out if the buyer have caused troubles for other sellers and what kind of problem they've caused. Reading is learning. So never underestimate the power of knowledge. Find the information you need and take action after that.

If you're facing a totally new buyer without previous ratings and such, I'd just go into details with him within the order page. To make sure the buyer understands exactly what he's getting. That way, you're also "protected" and can show SEOClerks staff "evidence" in case something backfires.

Best of luck!

Best Regards,

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Fake or troublesome buyers is something you'll meet no matter what you do. At least a few times in your career. However, you can usually easily spot these. First of all, once you get a new sale. Make sure the buyer enters the correct details you need and make sure they understand what they are buying. This is one of the easiest things to do but also one of the main reasons for getting into trouble, just because most sellers doesn't do this. Most sellers are to eager to complete the orders, to earn money, so they forget or overlook these things.

Secondly, on SEOClerks, you can check the user profiles. Just click on the buyers username and look for the "buyer rating". As you can see below, I've attached a screenshot from my own profile. 99% seller rating and 100% buyer rating.

Fake buyers

I would personally avoid any buyer with a buyer rating less than 75%. On top of that, you can ALSO check "recent buyer ratings" and/or "recommendations" on their profile. Just scroll down the page and read their ratings.

That way, you'll also be able to find out if the buyer have caused troubles for other sellers and what kind of problem they've caused. Reading is learning. So never underestimate the power of knowledge. Find the information you need and take action after that.

If you're facing a totally new buyer without previous ratings and such, I'd just go into details with him within the order page. To make sure the buyer understands exactly what he's getting. That way, you're also "protected" and can show SEOClerks staff "evidence" in case something backfires.

Best of luck!

Best Regards,

Great information! Thank you

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Great information! Thank you

You are very welcome Fake buyers


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Tell your buyers to PM you before they order your service. Fake buyers Then you can see their profile before process to the next step ;)

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dont work with their order. make mutual cancellation if you found them to be fake.

,...................and alsoeport them to admin staff to ban them completely

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The safest way to deal is in person and face to face.

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Must be check her previous buying activities and feedback from service provider.

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Buyer Background checking is important. Thanks that Seoclerk has that option, Fiverr doesnt.

And it makes worse in Fiverr. High percentage of fake buyer.

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Fake or troublesome buyers is something you'll meet no matter what you do. At least a few times in your career. However, you can usually easily spot these. First of all, once you get a new sale. Make sure the buyer enters the correct details you need and make sure they understand what they are buying. This is one of the easiest things to do but also one of the main reasons for getting into trouble, just because most sellers doesn't do this. Most sellers are to eager to complete the orders, to earn money, so they forget or overlook these things.

Secondly, on SEOClerks, you can check the user profiles. Just click on the buyers username and look for the "buyer rating". As you can see below, I've attached a screenshot from my own profile. 99% seller rating and 100% buyer rating.

Fake buyers

I would personally avoid any buyer with a buyer rating less than 75%. On top of that, you can ALSO check "recent buyer ratings" and/or "recommendations" on their profile. Just scroll down the page and read their ratings.

That way, you'll also be able to find out if the buyer have caused troubles for other sellers and what kind of problem they've caused. Reading is learning. So never underestimate the power of knowledge. Find the information you need and take action after that.

If you're facing a totally new buyer without previous ratings and such, I'd just go into details with him within the order page. To make sure the buyer understands exactly what he's getting. That way, you're also "protected" and can show SEOClerks staff "evidence" in case something backfires.

Best of luck!

Best Regards,

You share really helpful tips and idea to avoid face buyers. Thanks a lot

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Yes Fake Buyers are very painful. They just ordering the services and after delivery they canceled the orders again and again.

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Yes check there rating before working and if you are satisfied with his ranking than continue else you can mutually cancel the order.

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These are real pain, although they are not majority, I believe this is not only fraud but also large part of extortion with bad feedback. I hope everyone report such "buyers" to staff.

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ask the detail order before to face fake buyers.

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Thanks for good tread Fake buyers

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Really its a big issue.

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Hi if you 100% sure your buyer is fake buyer, contact with support with your evidence, support team should be take step against fake buyer.
But before working for any job, you can get some suggestion from my another thread (how to make your wrok more safe):

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I always ask for reviews of buyers before I think of accepting any order from them. I mean that it is by looking at these reviews that I can be able to analyze how the past works freelancers have done for them have been and whether it went successfully or not.

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