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Do you ever encounter a situation where an SEOClerks buyer has unreasonable expectations as to what you are able to accomplish? And, I'm talking about expectations that exceed the scope of your service and involve things that you had not originally agreed upon before the order was placed. For instance, maybe they want you to do a job in two days that should reasonably take a week to complete. Or, provide double your normal service for the same price. Of course, you don't find out about this until after the order is placed and yet they expect you to perform as requested. What is your thinking about this? Should you try to accommodate or tell the buyer to order a higher priced service if they want more?
I need a Banner and text ads Exchange script with below features
Features for members :
Can show banners and text ads on their site
Can send Private Message to other member
Can buy banner credits
Can have multiple banner sizes to display on their site (e.g. 468X60. 728x90, etc)
Can upgrade their account
Can add or remove their site
Can edit or remove their banners
Can create unlimited ads zone to display banners on their sites
Can have most wanted member features like can reset password, can change profile, can upload avatar, can change password, can change email etc
Referral system with commission (admin can set the commistion rate like 10%, 15% etc)
Member can deactivate their account
Member can track referral links and referrals
Can have a splash page
Upgrage Members Feagures :
Upgrad member will earn more credits for each click they will get from their sites
Will get some credits monthly for free
More referral earnings..etc
Admin Features :
Admin can set the exchange rate
Can make account from admin panel
Can run banners from admin panel
Can add or remove banner credits from members profile from admin panel
Can change users password from admin panel
Can make unlimited upgrade plans and advertising plans
Can make promo code for selling banner credits
Can upload and use themes easily form admin panel
Can active and suspend account from admin panel
Can add some moderator of co-admin for the site
And other most wanted and used features like, can banned user, can change username, can change password, can use mass mail, can send mass pm to user etc
Admin can display 3rd Party (Google Adsense etc) banners on the users sites
Payment option : PayPal and Payza
Can have ability to edit all members profile
Can sell bundle offer (e.g. upgrade+banner credits =$$)
Can display banners on members splash page
An addon system to add more features in future.
Can check members IP
Every member must have one account per IP
Cheater Detactor/IP Chekcer for multiple accounts
A unique site design
Can add promotional banenrs
Can add banners and text ads from admin panel
Banner Display features :
The banners will display randomly
every banner will have a unique tracking link
Member can track their banner stats from the user panel
when banner will display on site a site name should be shown. I mean --- like adhitz and other ad network. When they show banners on publishers site they show a little button at the bottom of the banner with their site name and link
If you can give me a banner and text ad exchange script with all above and some most used features than bid here and I will pay you $20
I will ignore all the bid which will be more than $20 to $25
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