
Worried about not being taken seriously

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Worried about not being taken seriously

I'm giving this freelance, work at home job situation my best effort now. And, already I have two local clients in my hometown. I feel as if they are very happy with my work so far. However, I don't think my family and friends are taking my work at home business very seriously as many times they will drop in unannounced when I am on a deadline or condescend about my chances of making freelancing a full time paying job. I just want to know that it gets better from here and maybe they will see that I have a real chance of being a success.


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Sometimes many do not see being a freelancer a real job which is totally uncalled for as we really do work our tails off!

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Sometimes many do not see being a freelancer a real job which is totally uncalled for as we really do work our tails off!

Sometimes many more hours than paid.

And, many freelancers are either full time parents (only getting to work after children go to bed) or full time work away from home. And, that means only working on weekend or after regular work hours.

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Sometimes many more hours than paid.

And, many freelancers are either full time parents (only getting to work after children go to bed) or full time work away from home. And, that means only working on weekend or after regular work hours.

Exactly. Often times there is not enough in just freelancing pay wise to pay all the bills Worried about not being taken seriously

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Some do not take me seriously and think that my freelance job is cake. I wish that they would try it out first and see before they judge.

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Some do not take me seriously and think that my freelance job is cake. I wish that they would try it out first and see before they judge.

Jealousy causes some people to prejudge what they do not understand and hopefully they will give the freelancing lifestyle a chance before making comment.

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You can't really expect someone who is not freelancing to understand just how much work goes into the job.

Some of my friends online (such as people that I only know through Facebook) assume that I'm free to chat on Facebook as I'm working at home anyway. They don't realize how many hours are required to complete my work and assume that it's OK just to start up a conversation anytime. This is especially true if I'm online updating my Facebook groups with links to recent articles or promoting my services.

I've tried explaining that I'm online doing my job, but it doesn't seem to register. For that reason, I now keep my Facebook chat off to most people on my friends list. And, unless required I don't login to the site or any other that could cause work distractions until after all my work is done for the day.

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Jealousy causes some people to prejudge what they do not understand and hopefully they will give the freelancing lifestyle a chance before making comment.

Yes that is true. Some may be jealous and wish they could only make the money that some freelancers are.

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Yes that is true. Some may be jealous and wish they could only make the money that some freelancers are.

And, some wish they had the flexible schedule that a freelancer has. Though I work as much as anyone else who works outside the home, I can take a sick day or leave of absence on short notice. That is not always the situation with a regular job where you need to ask permission of another person to take a day off.

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You can't really expect someone who is not freelancing to understand just how much work goes into the job.

Some of my friends online (such as people that I only know through Facebook) assume that I'm free to chat on Facebook as I'm working at home anyway. They don't realize how many hours are required to complete my work and assume that it's OK just to start up a conversation anytime. This is especially true if I'm online updating my Facebook groups with links to recent articles or promoting my services.

I've tried explaining that I'm online doing my job, but it doesn't seem to register. For that reason, I now keep my Facebook chat off to most people on my friends list. And, unless required I don't login to the site or any other that could cause work distractions until after all my work is done for the day.

Yes that is true. If they have never done freelancing, then they really have no idea what is going on and how hard it can be sometimes or how much time if takes, etc.

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I have been not taken seriously and it stinks. But I just think that I am doing the best that I can and it makes me happy so I don't care what others think.

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Same situation with me ..
I work as a freelancer and i give my full time to this work .
but many of my friends told me got a job and work in good company not in home.
but i don't care and I am happy with my work.Worried about not being taken seriously

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I guess freelancer all over this world faces the same situation. And you are no exception. Earlier I thought freelancers from US, Europe don't faces issues like that.

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Many people from my country understand that an online freelancer is someting like a hacker...

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Many people from my country understand that an online freelancer is someting like a hacker...

Wrong mentality its a very good and quality job.

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I know, but... for most of them the IT field is associated with the credit card frauds or other illegal IT activities...

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I do not worry about that. I know what I am doing and that is all that matters.

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Yes that is true. If they have never done freelancing, then they really have no idea what is going on and how hard it can be sometimes or how much time if takes, etc.

People assume that working at home is all fun and games and no serious work at all. They don't realize that we are working many hours every day and night to build our business and deliver orders.

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