
As a freelancer do you get any time off work?

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As a freelancer do you get any time off work?

Many people talk about the advantage of working from home and freelancing and how much free time you will have. But, there are so many things you have to do when freelancing. It's not just the actual work but there is also constant promoting and customer communication (keeping up with your customers after the sale to ensure they come back for more orders) as well as technical details, such as book keeping and keeping track of expenses. With all that is involved as a freelancer, do you get any time off?


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It is 24x7. A regular 9-5 job you can come home and forget about it, or take a week off and not think about it.

Working for yourself, it is always in the back of your mind and you never get time off.

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LOL...what is time off? I don't think I ever get that.

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I get my time off when I sleep. And, when I wake up, I have to go back to work again. I don't know anyone working from home that ever gets time off as they are constantly at the office.

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I keep a regular work schedule, whether working on a job in the real world or working at home in my own business. I don't see it as any different and I won't let a client push me to work twenty hours a day unless they are paying me over time, just as an employer would.

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I stay up way past midnight working most nights and wake up as early as possible. Maybe one day most of my income will be residual, so I won't have to be so hands on about freelance writing, but for now it's a regular daily job just like any other.

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I tend to get some time off when I don't have any orders to work on or deal with or when I am ahead of my work and feel like I need a break. So yeah, I do tend to get time off of my work.

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I take off time from freelancing when I want as it supplements my regular income and is not the main source of money in my house. I like being able to have the flexibility that having both an offline and online job brings.

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I take the time that I need for myself and my family as needed and don't rush things with my freelancing services. My clients are very understanding and since I'm not solely relying on freelance income I don't have to worry that the income is not as good as it shoudl be if I take a day off.

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I do take time off but then I feel really guilty for doing so.

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I do take time off but then I feel really guilty for doing so.

Sometimes, you just have to unplug yourself from the online world and take a break or you will burn out. And, this is especially true of working. Though you might feel guilty later, this is a necessary part of life.

When I take time off to be with my family, I don't think about work or anything else and that way I can devote all my emotional energy to just being in the moment and having fun with them.

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I work from Monday to Saturday and I usually take Sunday off as it is my family day. I normally start working at 7 in the morning and at times I work till very late at night. It all depends on the jobs that I have to do. However, even though I work more hours as a freelancer I do prefer this work compared to a 9 am to 5 pm work.

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I work as a content provider for forums with a daily schedule meaning I have to make a certain number of post every day. That means I have to work even if its a holiday. Can you think of Christmas as a workday? However, freelancing work is only a part time occupation so I can spare an hour or 2 during holidays. But when I go full time with my freelancing then I probably would need a rest day and holiday off.

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I work every day, maybe because I don't see my online pursuit as a job more like a fun thing to do so I log in daily.I don't think there's any day I don't work since I began working online.I'm enjoying the job and at the same time making money

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