
Favorite home office accessory or equipment?

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Favorite home office accessory or equipment?

My favorite thing in my home office is my computer. So far, it's my 'vehicle' to go to work. Without my computer, I would be offline and out of work. So I try to keep my machine running good. What's your favorite home office item?


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My laptop by far. I can take it with me and use it wherever I can get a good WiFi connection.

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My laptop because I get to take it wherever I wish.

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Computer as this is what gets used the most.

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I would have to say that I love everything in my office but my favorite thing that I can not work without is my laptop.

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My iPad serves a lot of useful purposes in my home office and on the go. I like to check emails and private messages, so that I will always know when a customer wants to talk to me. It's also good for updating Facebook.

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My kindle as I am always using it.

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My kindle as I am always using it.

Does your Kindle help you with freelance work? So far, I've been downloading industry related ebooks to my Kindle to read on the go. It helps my work so that I'm always well informed.

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I will not categorize my computer as the accessory. Accessory means something that is not the maibn thing. I am a writer, internet marketer and online entrepreneur and I need computer to work, thus computer is not an accessory for me. Some of the accessories in my workstation are water jar (I drink a lot of water), coffee maker (I need a coffee break), book shelf, (I do offline research as well) etc.

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We have a desktop at home aside from my laptop and tablet not to mention my smart phone. I'd say my favorite is the desktop because I am used to the keyboard and the browser. My laptop's keyboard is not that convenient. The tablet and the phone have small screens that gives me difficulty. But when I'm not at home, the phone is just fine.

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