
Are contact details public?

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Are contact details public?

On the forum profile, are such details as Skype contact or Yahoo messenger details, public to all users, general public or just people who are following you on the forum?

I'm a very private person and if there is a chance that randoms could see very personal contact details, then I'm likely to leave that off my profile for safety reasons.

I can see why some people would want to list this for business reasons. But it just feels strange with the idea that anyone in the world could see that info and randomly message me.


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Im not to sure, but I think the social network profiles are public, your name, etc.. too. You can choose wither to show your Gender and/or DOB / Age.

To test wither your details show to anyone that visits the forum, then simply log out, then view your profile and you will see what is visible to guests.

To test wither it is visible to people that don't follow you, then visit someone else's profile here on the forum that has their details all or mostly filled in. Then if you can see them and your not following them, there is your answer. If you are following them, simply unfollow them, check, then follow them again. Are contact details public?

For me, I don't mind having the details public, and the more people that see my Twitter, etc.. the better. Are contact details public? But I do understand that is my preference and lots of people don't like to have them showing. Are contact details public?

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Always check your privacy settings, because you never know. You can never be too carefully now a days!

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Im not to sure, but I think the social network profiles are public, your name, etc.. too. You can choose wither to show your Gender and/or DOB / Age.

To test wither your details show to anyone that visits the forum, then simply log out, then view your profile and you will see what is visible to guests.

To test wither it is visible to people that don't follow you, then visit someone else's profile here on the forum that has their details all or mostly filled in. Then if you can see them and your not following them, there is your answer. If you are following them, simply unfollow them, check, then follow them again. Are contact details public?

For me, I don't mind having the details public, and the more people that see my Twitter, etc.. the better. Are contact details public? But I do understand that is my preference and lots of people don't like to have them showing. Are contact details public?

Thanks Sean, I appreciate all your help. Are contact details public?

And, of course, I don't mind if people see my Twitter or Facebook.

Another thing I was wondering is why we are allowed to put Skype on our SEOClerks forum profile as that would encourage people to contact us outside of the SEOClerks interface. That could lead to an SEOClerks member getting scammed. So I'm not going to be listing my Skype as I don't really want anyone adding me in that way.

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