
Review services being deleated?

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Review services being deleated?

I've noticed, apparently seoclerks has been deleting gigs such as "Amazon Reviews" and "Yelp Reviews". If this is true, I am disappointed. As far as I am concerned, this edgier, almost anything goes attitude is what separated SEOclerks from the other guys.


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Hi biggeorge2k,

Buying/Selling Amazon Reviews is a violation of their Terms of Service and as they have previously taken the time to contact SEOClerks about this it is only right to remove them from the marketplace.

I am not personally sure about Yelp Reviews although it could certainly be a similar situation.


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I just didn't know SEOClerks answered to Amazon.

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I just didn't know SEOClerks answered to Amazon.

Hi biggeorge2k,

It's not about answering to Amazon or anyone in particular, I would simply put it as having common courtesy towards another website that has never done anything wrong towards Ionicware/SEOClerks.

I can only suggest that if you're someone who was offering Amazon reviews and had their Service removed is to look into other websites you can offer reviews for, you could even just open up to reviewing any products that people have. If you already have the ability to provide those reviews then I am sure there are a ton of websites out there you could also offer them for.


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Additionally, it isn't worth a court battle with a company as big as Amazon over $5 review services.

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