
CodeClerks & Listing Docks Error?

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CodeClerks & Listing Docks Error?

Every time that I go to CodeClerks or Listing Docks, I go to their members page like the "Freelancers" page here at SEO Clerks, and when I click on the User Level button in that page, it comes up with a 404 Error Page. I wasn't sure if this was something to do with the code or design and I just wanted to bring it to everybody's attention.


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Hi Jadster,

Are you talking about the sorting options on the Programmers page? That's what I thought and tried it out but had no issues. Screenshot maybe?


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Strange, for some reason, now it seems to be working but when I was at my high school, it wasn't letting me use the sorting options and it gave me that error. It might have just been on my end.

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It wasn't working earlier when I read this. I sent it to Jordan, he probably fixed it. Sorry, should have mentioned that CodeClerks & Listing Docks Error?

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All is good RoberMan11, thank you and Karoshio!

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These bugs was on the websites at a earlier point, all these bugs have been fixed some time ago.

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