
Can I use my link in my Youtube videos?

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Can I use my link in my Youtube videos?


I have posted some videos as examples in my youtube channel. Can I write my contact email in the description on my video so that if someone sees the video, like it then the person can ask me to make a video? Please suggest if this is allowed in Youtube TOS and if it is a good way to boost sales. Please help.

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Youtube has it's own rules as for whether or not you can include links or email addresses. So you will likely just need to post your email address on one video description to try it out. If you find that video is allowed to stay up, then it is most likely allowed. And, then you can post the email address on future descriptions along with instructions to use that if someone is interested in contacting you.

Another option would be to send your subscribers/viewers to a lead capture page where they can subscribe to your newsletter for updates. This is an excellent way for you to keep up with people who are already interested in what you have to offer. You might offer a tips sheet for the person signing up, such as 'top ten tips for youtube marketers', etc. Or, maybe you just want to send people to a page where they can 'chat' with you, by submitting a support ticket. Many of these support ticket type plug ins are available for Wordpress.

Here is a video that describes how you can add your email address to your official Youtube channel for others to use if they want.

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I think yes you can post your email id and all type of information in your youtube video its possible.

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no problem, you can put your email address

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Most people include a link of some type in the description, to direct the viewers to another page. So why not just include your email address? I had not thought to do that before but it makes sense how it would work.

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Does this mean that I couldn’t include my email address in the description of the video? It’s like describing the place because the video was taken at home and then the description would include a note that you can email me if you want to see more of our home’s video. I guess that will not be violating any rule of Youtube. But to be honest, I want to get an answer here because it is a risk to try it.

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