
Increase Amount Of Listings Shown At The Bottom

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Increase Amount Of Listings Shown At The Bottom

I hope you all are having a great day!!

I have noticed when you click on a users listing, it shows ONLY four of their other services on the bottom of the page. How are we suppose to know what else they offer for services, if we only can view four of them?
Yes, you can click on the profile to view them all; but people tend to see profiles as something that lists a person's likes, dislikes, posts and location, etc.

Many potential buyers would likely not click on the profile and figure there are actually only four other services available by that user.

I would suggest:
1) Increase the amount of listings shown (10?)
2) Have the service provider pick what listings they want shown.
3) Have a clickable link to take the potential buyer directly to the users other services.

I hope these are helpful to you!

"There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love."
~Martin Luther King Jr.~


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You could always create your own clickable link with text that takes them to your profile page. In the anchored text you could say something like, " Check out my other services on this page", that way when they get to the page they look for your other services.

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Would you suggest a link list of all services offered by the seller or would you prefer to see images with links of all services? Just from my perspective, I like the images with text as it is more visually appealing but maybe the link list of services would be more practically implemented. What you said is a good idea though as you might want to know more of what this seller offers.

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What I had to do I few days back was place a banner at the end of each of my listings, taking them to my profile. Doing this allows those who are interested, to view the rest of my stuff. Today it worked like a charm, as one of my buyers bought 2 of my services back to back Increase Amount Of Listings Shown At The Bottom

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What I had to do I few days back was place a banner at the end of each of my listings, taking them to my profile. Doing this allows those who are interested, to view the rest of my stuff. Today it worked like a charm, as one of my buyers bought 2 of my services back to back Increase Amount Of Listings Shown At The Bottom

That's very fortunate! Increase Amount Of Listings Shown At The Bottom

Often, I will link to my other services within the sales description as a courtesy to the potential buyer, such as to suggest alternate services, just in case they are not interested in the current one but would like to view others. Sometimes, they won't buy that one service but others will be of interest.

And, I have seen this idea taken to lovely extremes, where a seller would list up to a dozen or more of his services (links) on the sales page.

Just keep trying out various ideas until you hit something that works really well for you.

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