
Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

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Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

The promise of a discount is usually a good way to encourage impulse spending in any sales situation. So, maybe we could have a feature that allows the seller to discount a service if multiple quantities are purchased in one order.

This could be a good way to encourage a buyer to spend more per order than otherwise.

So let's say for instance, a buyer who ordinarily purchases just one forum posting package of 25 forum posts for $5.00 each, could purchase 3 packages of this service at the same time (for $15) and receive $1.00 off each. That's just an example. The idea could be applied to any writing, graphics art or SEO service.

I don't know how to implement this idea or if maybe someone suggested it before. If this is already available, please let me know how to make this work on my own services.


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Yeah, I like it, if the buyer only purchases one quantity, then they pay normal price, but if they buy more than one quantity, a discount is then applied to that order. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

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Yeah, I like it, if the buyer only purchases one quantity, then they pay normal price, but if they buy more than one quantity, a discount is then applied to that order. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

I'm glad you like the idea and hopefully this would help everyone earn more by giving the buyer a reason/incentive to purchase more.

Also, the discount would be voluntary. Not every seller is going to want to discount services, even when multiples are bought. Some sellers might not use a discount at all. Just think it would be nice option to have for those sellers who want to encourage multiple quantities to be bought or who want to reward large purchases by the buyer. .

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I hope it gets added too. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased I think the best way to do it for the settings would be just at the same place where you add extras, coupons, etc.. Another slider, then when you slide it to Yes, the options are..

Discount: ?? %
Discount Threshold: ?? Quantity

So you would put like 20%, then put something like 3 Quantity.
This would mean anyone that buys 3 or more quantities of that order will get a 20% Discount applied.


or it could be done this way...

Discount Per Quantity Increase: ?? %
Discount Increase Quantity Period : ?? Quantity
Maximum Quantity Discount Limit: ?? Quantity

This way, it would be.. If you put lets say 5% for the first entry, 1 Quantity for the second, and 5 Quantities for the final one.. This would mean that a buyer that orders just the normal one quantity will just pay normal price, but if they order 2, they will get a 5% Discount, if they order 3, they will get 10% and so on increase by 5% per quantity they raise to, it will stop applying the 5% discounts at 5 Quantities. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased If the second option was set to 2 Quantities, then the 5% increase will happen every 2 quantities. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

Just my idea on 2 ways it could work. Offering discounts for multiple quantities purchased

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