
Can I Leave A Negative Feedback For This Cancelled Order?

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Can I Leave A Negative Feedback For This Cancelled Order?

I just recently made a purchase from a seller (AJLANCER) here on SEOClerks. The seller took several days to respond to any messages left and failed to deliver the order on time. After delivering the order late, I was told that it wasn't actually complete but that they had just started it.

The order was for 100% Real People Traffic to my website - It cost $29 and was handpicked by SEOClerks Staff and is highly rated. So I figured I would give it a try. Come to find out the traffic is indeed fake. Bounce Rate as high as birth control and average visit time was less than 1 second. I contacted seller via message and of course have yet to receive a response (this was several days ago and the seller has been online every day since the beginning of all this)

I asked for an explanation as to why I was receiving fake traffic when I paid for real traffic. Seller declined to send a message back. After a couple days, I told them I would cancel the order if they could not explain why their real traffic was fake. No response. I sent a mutual cancelation (I would have rejected it via Guarantee but I would have only received like 20% back and that is unacceptable) It has been 2 days since I initiated the cancelation and the seller has still yet to respond to 1 message. It should automatically cancel later today and I should receive my funds back but is it possible to leave negative feed back for a canceled order? I would also like to know why the staff of SEOClerks has handpicked a service that is Falsely Advertised and Has Horrible Customer Service?


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Here is the link to the service:

Staff Selected: Staff Comment = High Quality Traffic From Social Networks

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You can't leave any review to order which is mutually cancelled. However you can submit a ticket to the SeoClerks helpdesk explaining your concern. They are really helpful. You should do it, because many other buyers like you may also face the same situation, which is not good for SeoClerks reputation.

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You can't leave any feedback on canceled job! You can write negative review in forum or comment on sales page. BUT be careful!!! You have to know what did you buy. How can you prove it's fake traffic. By the way you mention bounce rates, and this service doesn't offer low or high bounce rate traffic. Hopefully you know what low bounce rates mean and how to lower them. So you couldn't get low bounce rate with this service at all. @ajlancer is trusted Level X3 seller and i don't see thumbs down on that service, but it's also bad that he doesn't response to your messages. If you feel that you are 100% right, you may also contact help desk and explain and see what will happen...

Good luck next time

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Thanks for the feedback. In fact, his service had 1 thumbs down before I ordered it. It appears that thumbs down has disappeared. I would have been the second but I can not leave the feedback to let others know.

Thanks for assuming I do not know what I am talking about. I also never said he offered a guaranteed bounce rate. However he does sell the service as 100% Real Human Traffic - No Bots, No Fake Traffic, Blah, Blah, Blah.

Here is a screen shot. All of the "Real Visitors" were received within a very small time frame and then nothing. (I know exactly what service he is using and how the hits are being delivered and it is fake) See attached ScreenShot

Average Bounce Rate is Almost 100% (Fake Traffic)
Average Time on Site is Less than 1 second (Fake Traffic)

The reason he has great feedback is because he tricks people into believing they are receiving real traffic. He shortens your websites URL via Google and then sends you a link to track the stats of this shortened URL. It's a simple way to track how many times hits have be received via this unique link. Little did he know that I was tracking my websites stats with Google Analytics which goes more in depth on the actual traffic you receive. If a customer only used the links he provides, to track the data, then it would appear the traffic is coming in and that it looks real.

I requested traffic from the referral source of Pinterest (as offered in the service) Once the service was delivered late, I asked for the posts where I could find this link on Pinterest, so I can see what is generating all these hits within a small time frame but then generates 0 hits the rest of the time. Unfortunately I asked this question almost a week ago or so and he still hasn't responded. The reason he hasn't responded is because this link is not actually on Pinterest and there were no actual posts made. (FAKE TRAFFIC)

Again, the traffic is fake and I know the exact traffic exchange source he is using, however he refuses to respond to any of my messages or complaints about the FALSE ADVERTISING. Why would I pay $29 for fake traffic? Oh yeah, it's advertised as 100% REAL!

I can deliver the same exact service, same exact product, same exact traffic but I wouldn't falsely advertise it as 100% Real Human Traffic. No Bots. He even says in his service to stay away if you want fake traffic because he doesn't sell fake traffic. LMFAO! Right.

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All of these "Real Visitors" are supposed to be delivered CONSTANTLY with UNLIMITED HITS. As you can see this is not the case. A traffic exchange source was used to deliver a predesignated number of hits and they were all delivered within just a few hours. THEN NOTHING!!!

This is not possible for real traffic, If a post was made you would still see residual clicks, hits and visits. You might have a peak where the traffic was the most, but you can clearly see this is fake.

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I agree that traffic from your screenshot doesn't look real. Even traffic exchange visitors would stay at list 5 seconds on your site Can I Leave A Negative Feedback For This Cancelled Order?

Offering link with stats have nothing to with that. I also started selling traffic and i offer links too because i need to show some proof of my work and i can't enter into someones google analytics to get proof, but i LIKE when people have these stats to make sure i am doing good job.

Just once again, IF you didn't know, you wouldn't have lower bounce rates even if your visitors stay 10 seconds. To have low bounce rates you would need visitors to visit few links on your site when they arrive. I am thinking to offer this service, but it's not going to be as cheap as this traffic services, so i doubt if they will sell good or if they will worth invested time in promoting...

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Thank you, I know it's fake traffic 100%. I know how it's being delivered and I know that $29 is an extreme ripoff for this service. Not to mention the falsely advertised service as being **100% Real Human Visitors, No Fake Traffic, No Bots**

Yes, link is a great way to track websites and the number of hits you are delivering to a specific website without having access to that particular websites Google Analytics. I have no qualms with but there are lots of people out there who do not understand how to actually track their websites stats and they rely on - When they do this, they think everything is great and the service is perfect and working, not knowing they are being fraudulently scammed. They are paying $29 for 100% Real Human Traffic, not fake. If the legitimately advertised properly as fake traffic, I bet everyone would want their money back. I know I do.

As per bounce rate. Yes I understand that Bouncing is when a person visits your website and does not click to or visit any other pages within your website before leaving it. This is then averaged out with everyone who visits the page to achieve a "Bounce Rate". Nearly 100% Bounce Rate with less than 1 second visiting time is absurd, even for fake traffic, as you mentioned.

To add to your idea about that service. I have had a similar idea. It would be a hard sell and require time. You would need experienced website owners who know, care and understand what their websites Bounce Rate is and what it means. As you can see the majority of people buying these services do not even track their own statistics using Google Analytics.

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I purchased exactly same service as LifetimeDibs..Totally fake traffic sadly...

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I purchased exactly same service as LifetimeDibs..Totally fake traffic sadly...

If there is a problem with the order, please feel free to file a ticket with the SEOClerks help desk and ask for resolution to the issue. You should file a ticket, to explain everything about the situation.

I appreciate that you need the opportunity to tell others about the poor service quality on the forum, but more can be accomplished by filing a ticket. Though of course, now that it's been said here on forum, other buyers will be more wary of ordering this specific service from this seller.

If the seller is not providing all that is promised on the sales page, then that needs to be reported.

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Thank you Beverly a ticket was filed earlier today. My money has been refunded but the seller continues to rip people off.

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I posted the proof under other two threads i was involved in but i got a question here, if you are saying there is no way that the seller deletes the review after cancelling order than that means those negative ratings are deleted by an admin?

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Not that I'm defending the seller here, but as a traffic seller myself since 2007 I can say that Google Analytics is tragically flawed and should NEVER be used as an accurate stats tracker. Your own server side raw logs are the only 100% reliable results.

Even the bounce rate with GA is not accurate, as a case study on another forum proved the real bounce rate was less than 10%, but showed in GA as 80%. GA also doesn't track targeted traffic filters properly.

Just saying, in the interest of 100% transparency.

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Not that I'm defending the seller here, but as a traffic seller myself since 2007 I can say that Google Analytics is tragically flawed and should NEVER be used as an accurate stats tracker. Your own server side raw logs are the only 100% reliable results.

Even the bounce rate with GA is not accurate, as a case study on another forum proved the real bounce rate was less than 10%, but showed in GA as 80%. GA also doesn't track targeted traffic filters properly.

Just saying, in the interest of 100% transparency.

That's understandable but the tracking code is loaded on every page of my website so I doubt it's that flawed. I've personally tested it and it is actually very accurate.

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That's understandable but the tracking code is loaded on every page of my website so I doubt it's that flawed. I've personally tested it and it is actually very accurate.

Try comparing it with your raw logs sometime to see the difference Can I Leave A Negative Feedback For This Cancelled Order?

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Not that I'm defending the seller here, but as a traffic seller myself since 2007 I can say that Google Analytics is tragically flawed and should NEVER be used as an accurate stats tracker. Your own server side raw logs are the only 100% reliable results.

Even the bounce rate with GA is not accurate, as a case study on another forum proved the real bounce rate was less than 10%, but showed in GA as 80%. GA also doesn't track targeted traffic filters properly.

Just saying, in the interest of 100% transparency.

I agree that server side raw logs are the only 100% reliable results. Not sure why people generally depend and believe so much in GA when every cPanel offer few kind of statistics which are so good...

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