
Will it affect in my service rating if buyer cancel an order(mutual cancellation)?

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Will it affect in my service rating if buyer cancel an order(mutual cancellation)?

Recently one of my buyer misunderstood my Gig description so he sent me mutual cancellation request. I am curious that this may effect in my Gig rating & will stop coming new orders...


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no dont worry

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no man .it cant effect your gig rating

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Recently one of my buyer misunderstood my Gig description so he sent me mutual cancellation request. I am curious that this may effect in my Gig rating & will stop coming new orders...

A mutual cancellation won't negatively affect your seller rating as it was agreed upon by both parties. However, you should avoid a forced cancellation as this can negatively impact your rating.

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It will not affect your rating, just funds will be returned to buyer.

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A mutual cancellation can work in your favor in this situation as both parties are in agreement to cancel. There won't be any harm in accepting the mutual cancellation.

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It won't affect your rating. The funds will be transferred back to the buyer

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No. Mutual cancellation won't affect your rating.
It is fine to do so

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