
How a zero pr site get rank on search engine page?

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How a zero pr site get rank on search engine page?

Most of the time I have seen websites those have zero page rank and not even have good backlinks but get rank high on search engine page. Does anyone knows how and why this happen? Instead the websites with good content, strong backlink and high pr placed lower than that, why?


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From my point of view by black hat technique it might possible but its not for long term its for short term , Google penalized that type of website.

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I think that whenever there's a new site Google for a short time gives it a boost in rankings then whenever it's really setup and has content it it Google pulls the plug and the site rankings drop. The high rank a site is getting is only temporary. It's a marketing gimmick of Google.

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I am not an expert in this but my take on that high ranking website in the search list means it is also ranked high in the Page Rank of Google. However, take note that the page ranking update is not defined so that may mean that the ranking in the page was already updated in the interior but not yet displayed on the website of Google in the Page Rank page. But sooner or later, the ranking in the Page Rank will be updated from zero to a good number.

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