
Should all comments be moderated?

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Should all comments be moderated?

Is it better for your blog audience to allow instant publication of blog comments or should you enable comment moderation?


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You could have it set so that anyone who is subscribed to your blog could automatically make unmoderated comments or anyone who has made a certain number of comments before (such as a regular blog visitor) could comment at will.

This could be beneficial as it allows your regular blog visitors to comment without the annoyance of being moderated. Then again, if you have a very big blog you are likely to undergo spam attacks on occasion. So maybe moderation is your best option.

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I do feel that all comments need to be moderated. This way you always know what is on your blog and will always be able to catch anything that is amiss.

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Just like the people above has mentioned, I also think that comments should be moderated. If I put myself in the position of the blog owner, I would also prefer decent comments. Nobody likes spams, irrelevant comments or nonsense talks. I personally find it very irritating as it doesn't give justice to the efforts I put in writing a decent blog. Moderating comments avoids the instances of trolls talking nonsense or irrelevant comments and spams of people promoting their business at the wrong place. This also helps the blogger get new ideas that can be added to their blogs.

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When it comes to comments on blogs, I don’t think it is agood idea to moderate because ;your readers might be turned off. When I post a comment and later on I noticed that it is gone then I would probably not go back to that blogsite for I will assume that I am not welcome. The same with Facebook posts that I comment, I unfriend those who would delete my comment on their posts. However, there are comments that need to be moderated particularly the trolls and spammers.

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