
What if I don't have time to blog?

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What if I don't have time to blog?

I know that I need to blog and how it would help me rank better in Google, get more traffic and gain more leads to my subscriber list. However, with my regular job and online freelance work, I don't have time to devote to writing. I need some suggestions on how I can better manage my blog to publish at least a few times a week. Are there any time management techniques or tools I could be using for better blog management?


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Have you considered having a staff for your blog? You could hire writers who would produce regular posts for you on a weekly basis. You could assign one blog post to each writer per week and pay a flat or per word rate. This would solve your time crunch issue.

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You might ask for contributions from your blog readers. You might even have a section on your blog where your blog readers could submit tips and articles to be republished. You would want to set up a 'write for us' page on your site with full contact info so they can submit content.

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Why don't you outsource your writing to someone else, rather than taking on this burden for yourself? You won't have to pay much per blog posts, like $10.00 or so per post. This will be the easy way to get new content, without having to devote your own time to writing. Also, you are likely to find some experienced writers on this site who can help you out with that.

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If you have a full time job, it would cost less money to pay someone else to write your blog articles, rather than trying to devote the time to writing. You could just cover the cost by working more at your real world job, rather than trying to save a few dollars by writing blog articles. It won't cost much to hire a professional writer, maybe even someone with extensive writing experience.

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Have you considered having a staff for your blog? You could hire writers who would produce regular posts for you on a weekly basis. You could assign one blog post to each writer per week and pay a flat or per word rate. This would solve your time crunch issue.

I too would suggest this. If you are not going to have time to put quality material on the blog then I would suggest that you get someone to do it for you so you have regular visitors to the site.

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Hire someone. Or you could also do up a bunch of blog post on a weekend and then have them to post from time to time when you need to do so.

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There are so many people on here that can blog for you so I have to agree with Barry.

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You need to get yourself organized by creating an editorial calender. Pick one day a week you will write and publish. With an editorial calender, you can easily chart out your blog publishing schedule and see things a month in advance. Write your blog article topic ideas on the spreadsheet by the publication date. Add links to any relevant research you will use.

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Stock pile up on blog posts. Take a day and write several and then use them when you do not have the time to write them. This way you will always have some.

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I think many people who don't have the time to blog. They are going to hire other people. And that sort of outsourcing is what helps in such case. You can see that if you don't have the time to blog then you should be spending the time to get things. You can see that blogging the right way requires some level of efforts. So I guess we just work with what we have. That's what I have learned.

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I don't think any tools can help, you just have to manage your time and schedule well.I work on so many sites and I have a minimum limit of task for each site, what I do is to schedule the time for each task and site and pep up myself to finish the tasks before resting or having a break.We, humans, are prone to laziness one must be up and doing to meet up our daily task or better still you hire experts here to help you out.

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As you clearly said that you have no time to write then your only option is to hire a writer or get a co-blogger who is willing to share in the revenue without expecting a fixed remuneration from you. A blog should be updated at least once a week but it depends on the niche of your blog and also on the readers. Some readers want to read a blog 3 times in a week so that will be your uploading frequency if needed. And if you have no time for writing, you really cannot accomplish that chore.

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