
How long does it take to write a blog post?

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How long does it take to write a blog post?

How much time do you spend writing each blog post? Does it take a big part of your day or at this point is it fairly routine, only requiring a few minutes?


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If I'm just jotting down a simple note to myself on my personal blog, then it doesn't take more than a few minutes to write a blog post. But if I'm writing my weekly blog post, then it might take an hour, depending on how much I want to say. I don't really do much to polish the blog post so most of the time is just spend writing and reflecting.

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Depends on what I am writing. Sometimes I can whip out them really fast and other times I have to take a few more minutes on them.

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When I write them I can usually jam them out very quickly.

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What topics do you like to write about Ralph?

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I have never blogged really before so I am not sure how much time it would take me.

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As I had posted in another thread, I had the experience ofbeing a co-blogger. And I accepted the invitation in order to give my dogs
exposure in the social media. With my dogs as the subject, my writing is very
natural since I get the idea from my experience with my dogs. I can finish one
article in one hour although I think finishing an article in 2 hours is my
average. Those blogs included photos that I get from my archive. It is easier
to write an article or blog if you are writing from your stock knowledge since
all you do is sit down and write. What’s makes it longer to write an article is
when there is research involved. It takes time for that.

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For a post of about 500-1000 words, I do write averagely for 1-2 hours.This is inclusive of the editing work to do before posting, but if I'm to write on a hard copy before typing it takes more time.

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It depends on what I really want to write on the blog at that very moment. I mean there are days I spend up to three hours writing contents on the blog all as a result of trying to bring out a better content for the visitors to the blog. So, it really depends on the content.

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This depends on the length of the blog post and topic of the blog post. Generally speaking, it takes more time to write longer content. Recently, I was commissioned to write 3500 blog post I took 3 days to complete this project. If the article was just about 1500 words, I could have written this post in a couple of hours.
If the blog topic is on the subject I am well acquainted with, I can write it pretty fast. For example, if I am writing on alternative healing I can write 1500 word post in 2 or 3 hours, however, if the blog post is on fashion niche, It takes me 4-5 hours to write a 1500 words article.

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It really depends on the lenght and on my familiarity to the subject. But for my blogsite, I can finish a good 400 word article in 15 minutes or less.

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