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Facebook group or forum?

It takes so long to build up the posting community on a forum, so wouldn't it just be easier or better to start a Facebook group for your subject?


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Facebook groups are more for socializing with friends on Facebook. Those people are already hanging out on Facebook anyway and more likely to go to your group. However, Facebook and forum are very different. And, they have nothing really in common. So the ones who like forums won't really be the ones at your Facebook groups.

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I like the friendly environment of forums. Sometimes, you can find some really good friends on forums, people that have similar views. The best forums are very small, with a tight knit community. Those forums are the best to be part of.

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I'm part of both, forums and Facebook groups and they each serve their own purpose. It's not like you join a Facebook group for the same reasons you join a forum.

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I agree that creating a forum is much harder than creating a Facebook group which is cheaper and actually free. However, it depends on your motive. I don’t think a Facebook page can be monetized. With a forum, you will spend for the domain and hosting but it can be monetized and there is the potential of earning a profit. Your choice will depend on your motive on whether to create a Facebook page or put up a forum.

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For me, it depends on what on your mind if you are referring to a free forum then a Facebook group would suffice but if you are looking at means of making money, then you could try having the two.Build the forum, create a Facebook group then direct the traffic to the Forum by sharing published posts.

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