
Why users get infractions and lose their level?

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Why users get infractions and lose their level?

Sometime we see level 3 users losing their level and they ask why they lost their level. People say it is because of the infraction.
Our question is how does a user get an infraction?


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You get an infraction when you do not follow the TOS of this site. Get yourself familiarized with Terms of Service and Never Spam.


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There are many reasons why users will be bumped down in levels.
Some of these include:
1. not logging in for awhile
2. delivering poor quality work or not completing work
3. a lot of negative reviews of your services
4. violating the terms of service of this site.

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If they do anything against TOS (Term of service). If you get infection again and again your account can be disable. So must follow TOS

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if the rating falls below 90%, you are automatically demoted for loss of trust

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You lose levels because you broke the rules and regulations of the team of seoclerks

It is against seoclerks

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  1. If you sell any service that violate terms
  2. If you do not login for long while
  3. If you post contact information in message box
  4. If you ask buyer to deal out of seoclerk

the above are possible reason to get infected. once your infection occurs it may alive up to 60 days. after that you should get back your original user level.


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