
How often do you change your content?

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How often do you change your content?

On your website, content is king. How often do you change your content or update it? Did you find that the more you change it, the more you have success?


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I try to change my content on a daily basis. Content freshness means even more since Google released their "Freshness" update which gives precedence to fresh, new content.

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I also update most content daily, or at least as often as possible.

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I update my content about once a week. Google loves fresh content, so i try to change it at least once a week. visitors will get bored if your site always looks the same.

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I'm not changing my old content, I post new content.

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I update my content website daily because google like new content , but if you can't update new content daily atleast once a week

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Too maintain Top Ranking it is must to keep changing content and with unique Writing skills.
this will Worth you very much as it will give you huge traffic if you are quality Writer.
but for some who always been busy with other works i must say to keep write atleast 4 posts per week for your blogs...

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I tray to change my website contest every month to keep it up. How often do you change your content?

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I try to do it daily so it will keep up to date with everything

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I update my website regurarly . Usually once a day or sometimes i let it be and then upload more articles . It depends on how much time i have but i try to keep it updated.

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I change content daily on what i think

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I do change my post content when the traffic slows down for the post itself. I noticed that when I update the latest information , my traffic starts to climb up slowly but I have to submit the url link again to social medias.

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I always try to publish new contents ion regular interval. I have a handful of blogs and I try to publish at least two article every month. As far as updating old articles is concerned, I update only the articles that are successful. By updating the successful articles, I am able to increase the chances of increasing traffic. I try to forget the non-performing articles because there will be a lot of work to do.

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My husband used to be the overall in charge of their company’s website which he converted into an e-magazine. The ideal frequency of uploading new articles is twice a week. However, their regular uploading is once a week for 4 articles due to budgetary constraint. Not bad for an e-magazine because the readers have something to read at least every week.

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