
What resources do you use to help run your forum daily?

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What resources do you use to help run your forum daily?

Do you have any free/paid resources that help you do a better job of forum administration? Which blogs/sites do you refer to when you have a problem?


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My forum staff would count as a useful resource. You can't run a forum without responsible, mature acting staff members who understand the importance of showing up daily to moderate the site.

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I use promotion forums to advertise my forum and it results in a lot more traffic than I would have gotten otherwise. I'm able to let people know about my site and get valuable feedback on what I should be posting or how my site should look from others who are in forum management too.

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Google is my best resource for my forum as it gives me access to the latest niche news and by using the search engine I can find interesting news articles to post about on my forum. Our forum members are always so well informed and comment with interest on the new discussions.

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