
Did you ever get tired of being a forum owner?

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Did you ever get tired of being a forum owner?

Was there ever a point at which you seriously got tired of being a forum owner? What caused this to happen? And, did you just quit?


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If I'm really tired, then I don't want to do my forum mod job. But, then again that is true of any job. When you're tired and just want to sleep, you don't want to work.

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I agree Jade. If you are tired of it then just take a break for a bit and then come back to it to see if you can get back in the groove.

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Unless it's paying good money, a forum is not a real job, so why would you devote the hours daily to a task that does not pay? For that reason, treat it like a hobby if it's not bringing you any satisfaction and take it up only when you want.

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It’s sad when a forum owner gets tired of his forum. As I said before, a forum is like a baby that you have to attend to all the time. So what happens? It is like disowning your child and letting him go. Anyway, that is more likely to happen when you have so many concerns in life that your forum is adding to the stress that you regularly experience. But when a big forum closes down due to the owner’s waning passion, it’s really regrettable.

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