
Getting out of your comfort zone on your forum

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Getting out of your comfort zone on your forum

Do you have a comfort zone of topics on your forum where you feel comfortable? For instance, maybe there are some subjects you know a lot about and post often or participate in. Or, other topics and subjects which are forbidden or at least not encouraged? Do you like to stay inside your comfort zone on your forum? Or, do you venture outside of this zone?


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Assuming the topic is not actually illegal, but merely outside the range of topics you would usually discuss, there is no reason not to participate. Sometimes, stepping beyond your usual boundaries is a good experience as it helps you develop tolerance for other people's opinions.

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If I'm not familiar with a discussion topic, then I'll simply research it or assign to a moderator who specializes in that area.

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I feel more comfortable in a free wheeling sub forum that’s why I always look for a general discussion board before I register. That gives me the option to express something that is not in the niche. What’s outside my comfort zone are topics that are too technical. For example, that SEO thing is still a wonder to me that I have to study some more about it. Medical issues in details like cancer makes me uncomfortable because I am too careful not to make a mistake with the facts.

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