
How long have you been away from your forum?

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How long have you been away from your forum?

For instance, have you ever been away from your forum on sick leave or vacation for an extended time? And, if so, who did you leave in charge of your forum to ensure that it kept running?


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I have only been away for a few days at the most. But I think that you need to find a trusty person who can at least moderate the posts for you while you are gone.

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I have only been away for a few days at the most. But I think that you need to find a trusty person who can at least moderate the posts for you while you are gone.

And, you can't always be on your forum, due to family/job responsibilities, so it helps to have someone who can maintain calm on the forum among members. Otherwise you will come back to disarray.

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If you're an admin, you won't want to be away from a forum too long or you could get a lot of spam. Also, your staff needs daily guidance or the forum will go astray.

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