
Have you ever changed your forum name?

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Have you ever changed your forum name?

How can you go about changing your forum name? Do you change the domain name or keep it the same?


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I do not know a whole lot about this but can I ask why you would want to change the name in the first place? If it were established isn't that a bad idea?

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I do not know a whole lot about this but can I ask why you would want to change the name in the first place? If it were established isn't that a bad idea?

I'm just wondering as there is a really big forum that I was part of awhile back and they changed the forum name recently. I guess they thought it would help them rank for a specific keyword. But, I find it very confusing trying to remember the new domain name. So far, the main page and subpages redirect to the new site. But still, I don't like the idea of name changes. Just wondering if anyone else has done this or would consider it and if so why.

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If you choose to change the forum name, alert your users ahead of time, so they won't be confused. You could lose many members if they are not prepared.

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