
Guarantee no more...

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Guarantee no more...

The guarantee option, a sore subject for sellers, an outright license to scam for some buyers. Too many users started abusing this option, too many sellers entered tickets every time a buyer used it.

We played around with several solutions from turning the guarantee into a simple reject to allow the seller to "approve" any guarantee. They all caused problems and didn't provide a solution, so we've removed it completely.

Any order that had it enabled will keep it enabled. The feature has been disabled for all services and is not available on edit or creation of services.


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Great move Jordan!! Free to work now without Fake Buyers!!

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I am a Level 3 seller myself,Jordan;BUT are there stuffs you are putting in place to make buyers buy with confidence.
The Bye Bye to guarantee is definitely an awesome step.
Thumbs up,Jordan.

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Hi Jordan, the problem is with both the sellers and the buyers, as the guarantee option stated that the guarantee can be invoked no questions asked, the sellers have no reason to send support ticket once they have enabled that option.
On the other hand the problem with some buyers, the scammers, I dealth with these before and usually once anybody invokes guarantee I never accept any more orders from them, it is beter than to have a scammers negative feedback
The noobs, as this site is mostly about seo services people do expect miracles for 5$ these usally have no idea what are they ordering and how it should look like, they buy seo services and after a couple of days they start complainig that his site is not on the first page of google etc, I usally send these people back their money because I don't want negative feedback

Now that the guarantee option is disabled you will see that the support tickets for negative feedbacks will increase, and my experience of gig sites is that the answer for the incorrect negative feedback support ticket will be like this " Please contact x to remove the feedback , we have contacted him but he is unvilling to remove it"

In my opinion the guarantee feature was a blessing for this site as it allowed new sellers to sell services without worrieng that a noob in their first order will leve negative feedback and rouin his rating after the first order.
When a new potential buyer comes to a site and sees that the service which he needs is guaranteed he is more likely to buy simply because he sees the sellers confidence in the service by offering the money back guarantee

Wouldn't it have been simpler to simply remove the guarantee feature from the seller which was sending support ticket since he doesn't take responsability for their actions, enables the guarantee and after that he is crying that someone invoked guarantee

Will it be possible to enable guarantee to sellers who request the option for their services to be enabled and knowingly except the consiquenses of a guaranteed service and not sending support tickest for gurantee invokes
PS I had a couple of guarantee invokes but I never even thought to send support ticket to staff
Please consider the option to be enabled upon request

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Not happy with this step. It must be there.

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It isn't just one seller who submitted a ticket but many (and I mean many). The problem remains that many buyers have discovered how to scam sellers by only ordering 100% guarantee services so a 1-click guarantee does not work. Having the seller "Accept" a guarantee is pretty pointless since the seller would rarely accept not to mention, this would just mirror rejecting delivered work which is already there.

If your buyers are unhappy and you realize this, you can always cancel the order and they can always reject delivered work. Canceling an order returns the funds to them in the same way.

We are open to other ideas but this implementation was a fail.

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Main issue is about negative feedbacks.

There must an option for seller to reject and refund those orders which are rated negative.

Or at-least seller should have an option of redeliver those order which are rated as negative.

Or simple solution is that seller must have rights to refund any orders either it is delivered or not if this feature is enable all problems will solve, you will not get any support tickets.

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Main issue is about negative feedbacks.

There must an option for seller to reject and refund those orders which are rated negative.

Or at-least seller should have an option of redeliver those order which are rated as negative.

Or simple solution is that seller must have rights to refund any orders either it is delivered or not if this feature is enable all problems will solve, you will not get any support tickets.

Which completely removes any point to the negative rating system TBH. Which is pretty unfair to potential buyers.

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Not happy with this step. It must be there.

I some how support it, But scammers were all active with this feature

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Some Cons and Pros are there. But if i think the impact of it is much then it should come back.

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Well I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but last night I had the least amount of new client orders that I have had in probably two months.

I personally think this is going to seriously cause problems with negative feedback as trafficsmania mentions above, there is always the risk of noobies leaving negative feedback when they don't understand what they are looking at or even have trouble understanding the service because English is not their first language.

I actually had a talk to my father yesterday about seoclerks and he asked me why I didn't duplicate my selling efforts on other gig sites if I was making sales here.

I told him about this guarantee system and how it helps buyers feel comfortable whilst protecting us sellers at the same time also'- I think the guarantee system is what makes this site stand out from the hundreds of other gig sites out there.

I can only imagine how many sellers and buyers were submitting tickets, but I personally feel this move is going to be the worse of two evils in the long run.

As the noobies, second-language English speakers and scammers now have no way of getting their money back if they are not satisfied, there is going to be a lot more red thumbs on the front page before long. (I'm always happy to refund if it's justified and I think most people would choose that over leaving a bad review)

For the new potential buyers who come to seoclerks, if they see red thumbs and no sense of security with a guarantee, personally I don't think the site will be too reassuring and I predict that sales will drop and there will be just as many tickets submitted but majority coming from the sellers.

As a red thumb is now the only option for the few unsatisfied buyers that we all come across now and again, once these start to appear I think this is going to be very difficult to reverse.

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Alright - it has been re-enabled then. Anyone who had it before will need to re-enable with the understanding that you should not enter tickets for guarantee invokes and you should not offer a 100% guarantee.

We will add some code that detects those that invoke the guarantee on multiple orders.

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Ok that's great- I really feel this guarantee system is one of the main reasons why seoclerks stands out from the crowd.
I guess this is a complex topic but even places like warrior where I used to be a very active seller, does not 0ffer the same type of reassurance for the 80-90% of buyers out there who are sincere.
I can imagine it's difficult dealing with the tickets given the amount of people on the site now, so I think we should still try and keep this thread live as there might be some other ways this could be improved for both parties.

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Hmm, recently i got someone who asked for refund and got it,
I think SEOCLERK should track a buyer, if he is abusing it every service then just ban him and give the money to the sellers.
So much disgusting buyer, he bough PLR articles from me and said they are already published and Plagiarized LOL
He was expecting 135k UNIQUE ARTICLES FOR 3$. Nonsense.

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Great decision.

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Thank you admin that you took our thoughts in consideration, I bet you didn't expect sellers to complain for disableing the feature Guarantee no more...

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I make my last post without reading the entire post.. my mistake.

I just got a seller invoking guarantee for a service in witch I advertise to deliver 10.000 blog comments.

Since I load a bigger list in SB he got 27.000. And when I say 27.000 I mean 27.000 verified links since I run the list thru the link checker.

And he still invoke the guarantee without any discussion... Since I'm 100% that I have delivered what promised I don't think is normal to lose the money because he expected something else or he misread what I promise.

When we are talking about a guarantee I understand that the buyer have the possibility to return the product and he can take the money back but in many case the return part is impossible since we are talking about services that can't be reverted and in this case the seller also got the money and he also got the product and this is not normal, no matter the product is not meting the requirements, it's still must be returned.

I have a buyer that buy a SB list for me and then he was complaining that he can't use the list since he doesn't have ScrapeBox and he claim that I should give him the software.... If he invoke the guarantee he will get a list free.

So I'm for removing the guarantee or it must be changed so the seller have the possibility to defend from scammers and ignorant sellers.

I will be happy to refund a buyer if I made a mistake or the is not 100% satisfied but I'm not willing to lose the money because a buyer didn't understand what I'm offering or he imagine that my service will do more than I promises.

So I suggest a formula in witch a seller have some control about that.

Thank you.

P.S. I suggest to advertise this thread to get some visibility so we can her more opinion on that.

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Guarantee is a love/hate type thing. It is great to get the badge, be listed in the guarantee only category and gives buyers assurance so they buy more often.

It is terrible once invoked. lol

Please, submit your thoughts on solving the issue. I also recommend that no one offer a 100% guarantee.

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A simple solution would be to allow sellers to not accept orders from some members
If someone invokes guarantee for no reason just to get their money back, the seller would have an option to block this member for purchasing any more of his services, plus when someone invokes guarantee he should get his money back minus the sites commition since the transaction was made trough the site and the site is not dirrectly responsable if the service provided to the buyer was either good/bad etc as it is in the case of a negative feedback but in this case the buyer will pay the fee once he invokes guarantee
This way the max guarantee will be of 80% (20% goes to the site once the transaction was made)
So the site woun't loose money and time with the guarantee invokes and the sellers will block abusive buyers
You should also make a private board on the forum for established sellers where they can exchange their blacklists, this way the scammers will be blocked in a matter of days, from here you as admin will see the most "popular scammers" and bann them
Also it would be a good thing to show some stats of the buyers, like from x orders he invoked y times guarantee, I would suggest this for higher level sellers since new sellers wount know what to do with this info
Hope I posted some intersting suggestions

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looks like a bee hive topic here - service fulfillment guarantees or a choice to it thereof in e-commerce is just... remarkably thoughtless

with all that applies to e-commerce today, all the different cultures trying to mesh as one cohesive online community "anywhere" and the giant debacles which ensue because of it, well.. technically speaking ... "it aint never gonna werk fer nobody"

best thing to have is:

a solid, un-game-able feedback system that is poured over and over for abusers, bullies and the like

IMHO, just as a buyer has a choice as to whether he should buy anything from anyone - so must a seller have the right to refuse a buyer when presented - for any reason

When you lock a seller into not being able to refuse anyone's business for whatever reason "which is their business" - then you inevitably have to come up with, and try to implement things like your discussing here. Some people aint never gonna be happy with jack, you can call it culture, arrogance or ignorance but it's all the same to me.

Most sites like this could solve 98% of the customer support issues by just allowing the seller refuse any job from anyone, but then most sites like this and the ops thereof do not have much real world exp in a store front. (not jabbing at J here, but he never owned a store front - not that I know of) working for a company and paying the people that work for you are two different things. The guy that mops the floor and scrubs the toilet, generally pays the rent.

If you own a store - lets say its a gas station. You have the right to refuse anyone's business for any reason, and if they want to stand there and argue with you and not leave - they are then trespassing.

The biggest problems you have with e-commerce is cultural, then financial, then ignorance - in that order.

This customer support related issue has a solution.

It's what I like to call a "Buyer Blocker" (patent pending)

All this easy to configure tool does is allow a seller to cancel any order received, with no bad or good feedback. No one gets paid, not even the site. No one wins - No one loses - and everyone goes about there business as usual and moves on. At this point; your probably thinking - but that's abusable yo!

No it's not and here is how and why:

If a seller has presented his goods delivered, and done his job to the best of his ability and can do no more to please - then he has the right to "block" the buyer thus cancelling the sale - he also has the right to block any buyer from the initial purchase.

If a buyer has been blocked "XX" times, then they must be moderated and looked at by CS and have their account reviewed.

Sellers won't turn down users money without good reason - that's a fact - it's just a very ignored fact of e-commerce where political correctness has overshadowed simple principle.

done - next!

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Guarantee is a love/hate type thing. It is great to get the badge, be listed in the guarantee only category and gives buyers assurance so they buy more often.

It is terrible once invoked. lol

Please, submit your thoughts on solving the issue. I also recommend that no one offer a 100% guarantee.

I agree that heaving a guarantee is great for buyers because this means more clients and also for seller because they have a secure net but I don't agree when people abuse that.

A solution from my point of view will be to make the buyer to explain why he invoke guarantee based on what was advertise in the service

Seller: offer xxxx fb likes only from user in US
Buyer: invoke guarantee because the seller doesn't deliver xxxx likes he deliver xxxx-2
Buyer: invoke guarantee because not all the users are from US... User: is form Canada

It could be something like this

SELLER ADVERTISE: (COPY/PASTE form service page)
I GET: (Explanation with examples)

This way I don't think a seller will submit a support ticket when the buyer provide proof of the mistake he made and a buyer I'm sure will not invoke a guarantee when he see that he can't present proof of the mistake and he must.

Thank you.

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@ JohnAc
Your suggestion will not solve the problem just create a lot more work for staff members which may not even have the skill and experience to werify a wide wariaty of services from seo-traffic-likes etc

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looks like a bee hive topic here - service fulfillment guarantees or a choice to it thereof in e-commerce is just... remarkably thoughtless

with all that applies to e-commerce today, all the different cultures trying to mesh as one cohesive online community "anywhere" and the giant debacles which ensue because of it, well.. technically speaking ... "it aint never gonna werk fer nobody"

best thing to have is:

a solid, un-game-able feedback system that is poured over and over for abusers, bullies and the like

IMHO, just as a buyer has a choice as to whether he should buy anything from anyone - so must a seller have the right to refuse a buyer when presented - for any reason

When you lock a seller into not being able to refuse anyone's business for whatever reason "which is their business" - then you inevitably have to come up with, and try to implement things like your discussing here. Some people aint never gonna be happy with jack, you can call it culture, arrogance or ignorance but it's all the same to me.

Most sites like this could solve 98% of the customer support issues by just allowing the seller refuse any job from anyone, but then most sites like this and the ops thereof do not have much real world exp in a store front. (not jabbing at J here, but he never owned a store front - not that I know of) working for a company and paying the people that work for you are two different things. The guy that mops the floor and scrubs the toilet, generally pays the rent.

If you own a store - lets say its a gas station. You have the right to refuse anyone's business for any reason, and if they want to stand there and argue with you and not leave - they are then trespassing.

The biggest problems you have with e-commerce is cultural, then financial, then ignorance - in that order.

This customer support related issue has a solution.

It's what I like to call a "Buyer Blocker" (patent pending)

All this easy to configure tool does is allow a seller to cancel any order received, with no bad or good feedback. No one gets paid, not even the site. No one wins - No one loses - and everyone goes about there business as usual and moves on. At this point; your probably thinking - but that's abusable yo!

No it's not and here is how and why:

If a seller has presented his goods delivered, and done his job to the best of his ability and can do no more to please - then he has the right to "block" the buyer thus cancelling the sale - he also has the right to block any buyer from the initial purchase.

If a buyer has been blocked "XX" times, then they must be moderated and looked at by CS and have their account reviewed.

Sellers won't turn down users money without good reason - that's a fact - it's just a very ignored fact of e-commerce where political correctness has overshadowed simple principle.

done - next!

Sellers can refuse any order. They have two options upon order - force cancel or mutual cancel (and even contacting support). I don't think refusing an order is the problem here, the problem comes after the order is delivered/completed.

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@ JohnAc
Your suggestion will not solve the problem just create a lot more work for staff members which may not even have the skill and experience to werify a wide wariaty of services from seo-traffic-likes etc

I don't suggest that so every situation will go in moderation, instead it will keep that to the minimum since as I said no seller that know he make a mistake will go to submit a ticket, second once a buyer should give detailed explanation why he invoke guarantee this will make it think twice. Now he just press a button and he got the money back.

And if they will go to support then the only thing that the support should do is just to check if the seller is right. This is why I have suggested this
SELLER ADVERTISE: (COPY/PASTE form service page)
I GET: (Explanation with examples)

And at this point the support should only enter the service to see if that was advertise and second step will be to check if what the buyer have said is true... as in my example check if the fb user is in the report and if he is from Canada.

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see this mans post above - Im talking about JohnAc ?

this is a superb example of why a "buyer block" is the ONLY solution

(and please try not to be offended John as it's not directed at you personally - but you as a buyer)

Even though this site is for all Nations (except those with a walled garden), the language set forth here is English.

I read your last post a grand total of (3) times and I still cannot fathom what the heck you just said the solution to be.

This is what we call simple, solid communication, or as Sheriff Buford T. Justice said best in that old movie - Smokey and the Bandit..

"What we have heeya... is a failya, to commune-cate"

Now, I'm sure your spoken word is fine to understand, "in person" - but to a seller it's very important that the buyer be able to convey his/her critical criteria of information needed for the seller to be able to complete your job. Now if I have a choice in sitting there for 5-10 minutes trying to decipher what you're wrote - I'd much rather just cancel the job and send you on your way as I will also assume that you may not even understand the job you just bought and what you should expect when I am done.

It's not a pick at you personally or culturally my friend - it's just a simple matter of communication and what I think that you could get wrong or confused about in the process. It's not worth the $5 to figure it all out for you.

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Sellers can refuse any order. They have two options upon order - force cancel or mutual cancel (and even contacting support). I don't think refusing an order is the problem here, the problem comes after the order is delivered/completed.

absolutely it is Robert - if a seller cancels a job right up front - it affects his/her rating

I would much rather have a button to block the sale without a negative effect and keep that person from buying from me again in the future.

That doesn't mean that YOU can't do business with him that's YOUR BUSINESS- It just means I don't want to - and that's MY BUSINESS.

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see this mans post above - Im talking about JohnAc ?

this is a superb example of why a "buyer block" is the ONLY solution

(and please try not to be offended John as it's not directed at you personally - but you as a buyer)

Even though this site is for all Nations (except those with a walled garden), the language set forth here is English.

I read your last post a grand total of (3) times and I still cannot fathom what the heck you just said the solution to be.

This is what we call simple, solid communication, or as Sheriff Buford T. Justice said best in that old movie - Smokey and the Bandit..

"What we have heeya... is a failya, to commune-cate"

Now, I'm sure your spoken word is fine to understand, "in person" - but to a seller it's very important that the buyer be able to convey his/her critical criteria of information needed for the seller to be able to complete your job. Now if I have a choice in sitting there for 5-10 minutes trying to decipher what you're wrote - I'd much rather just cancel the job and send you on your way as I will also assume that you may not even understand the job you just bought and what you should expect when I am done.

It's not a pick at you personally or culturally my friend - it's just a simple matter of communication and what I think that you could get wrong or confused about in the process. It's not worth the $5 to figure it all out for you.

I read my post again and even I have some troubles reading it Guarantee no more... but I will let it as it is because I like your point of view...

And if I would try to explain myself I will say that the replay was written in a hurryGuarantee no more...

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I shouldn't need to confer with customer support about why

We are talking about un-clogging the system, not flushing down more baby wipes.

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Sorry, but I'm feeling like the system as set forth is supposed to be a mimic of another $5 site that nobody here supposedly likes - not a pioneering example of e-commerce and capital.

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I don't WANT to say "take my advice to the bank or take YOURS (or theirs really) back to the cleaners" but most sellers would totally agree with a "Block Buyer Button"

Lets say I just want to "Block ALL Non-USA Buyers - or - SELLERS" - It's MY business why, not someone at Customer Support.

Ebay is a great example of this. I can choose who I deliver to and who I want to buy from, and I need not explain my reasons to them. I just "tick" the box. If this offends someone in India or Pakastan that I wish not to business with them because of where they are from - that's THEIR business as only they have control over their feelings.

If I don't want to BUY from someone who doesn't have great feedback or if I don't want to SELL to someone who has little or no feedback - that's also MY business.

If I don't want to BUY or SELL to ole JohnAc because he butchers the English language - it's MY business.

Give the sellers a choice as to whom they are selling to and you will have to find something else to moderate. If that puts you out of a job - it's because YOUR business model was someone else's who couldn't make it work either.

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The only reason this thread / issue is a thread or issue is because nobody wants to recognize the Elephant in the room - like it's not there or it's a xenophobe camouflage elephant or something...

but, let me address your point directly as I don't want you to think I can't read, lol

If a SELLER, takes the job and delivers, and the BUYER, doesn't like it for whatever reason. Most sellers would have no problem just clicking the Block button regardless of the work delivered - paid for or not.

When a BUYER reaches XX number of blocks, THEN you go moderate the BUYER, look at their blocked deals, their consoles, their deliveries and I am very sure that you find that 99% of the SELLERS delivered whole goods and the BUYER is a gamer. At that point you can reverse the $ back to the SELLERS and ding ding the BUYERS out of here.

The feedback system will continue to work as it's supposed to from a buyer stand point.

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absolutely it is Robert - if a seller cancels a job right up front - it affects his/her rating

I would much rather have a button to block the sale without a negative effect and keep that person from buying from me again in the future.

That doesn't mean that YOU can't do business with him that's YOUR BUSINESS- It just means I don't want to - and that's MY BUSINESS.

Now that is a great solution, although maybe to another problem than this forum thread. Preventing a user from ever ordering from you. Did you submit this to the HD? I can't imagine why this wouldn't be added.

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submit it to the who? i dont know what the hd is brotherman but I'd be more than happy to do so.

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HD is the helpdesk but there is no need since all programming is routed to me and I've already read this.

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HD is the helpdesk but there is no need since all programming is routed to me and I've already read this.

right on

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Jordan, can you do something to the sellers who is rude to their customers? I mean buyers wont want to comeback to your site again if this continues

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