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The guarantee option, a sore subject for sellers, an outright license to scam for some buyers. Too many users started abusing this option, too many sellers entered tickets every time a buyer used it.
We played around with several solutions from turning the guarantee into a simple reject to allow the seller to "approve" any guarantee. They all caused problems and didn't provide a solution, so we've removed it completely.
Any order that had it enabled will keep it enabled. The feature has been disabled for all services and is not available on edit or creation of services.
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Main issue is about negative feedbacks.
There must an option for seller to reject and refund those orders which are rated negative.
Or at-least seller should have an option of redeliver those order which are rated as negative.
Or simple solution is that seller must have rights to refund any orders either it is delivered or not if this feature is enable all problems will solve, you will not get any support tickets.
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Not happy with this step. It must be there.
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Guarantee is a love/hate type thing. It is great to get the badge, be listed in the guarantee only category and gives buyers assurance so they buy more often.
It is terrible once invoked. lol
Please, submit your thoughts on solving the issue. I also recommend that no one offer a 100% guarantee.
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looks like a bee hive topic here - service fulfillment guarantees or a choice to it thereof in e-commerce is just... remarkably thoughtless
with all that applies to e-commerce today, all the different cultures trying to mesh as one cohesive online community "anywhere" and the giant debacles which ensue because of it, well.. technically speaking ... "it aint never gonna werk fer nobody"
best thing to have is:
a solid, un-game-able feedback system that is poured over and over for abusers, bullies and the like
IMHO, just as a buyer has a choice as to whether he should buy anything from anyone - so must a seller have the right to refuse a buyer when presented - for any reason
When you lock a seller into not being able to refuse anyone's business for whatever reason "which is their business" - then you inevitably have to come up with, and try to implement things like your discussing here. Some people aint never gonna be happy with jack, you can call it culture, arrogance or ignorance but it's all the same to me.
Most sites like this could solve 98% of the customer support issues by just allowing the seller refuse any job from anyone, but then most sites like this and the ops thereof do not have much real world exp in a store front. (not jabbing at J here, but he never owned a store front - not that I know of) working for a company and paying the people that work for you are two different things. The guy that mops the floor and scrubs the toilet, generally pays the rent.
If you own a store - lets say its a gas station. You have the right to refuse anyone's business for any reason, and if they want to stand there and argue with you and not leave - they are then trespassing.
The biggest problems you have with e-commerce is cultural, then financial, then ignorance - in that order.
This customer support related issue has a solution.
It's what I like to call a "Buyer Blocker" (patent pending)
All this easy to configure tool does is allow a seller to cancel any order received, with no bad or good feedback. No one gets paid, not even the site. No one wins - No one loses - and everyone goes about there business as usual and moves on. At this point; your probably thinking - but that's abusable yo!
No it's not and here is how and why:
If a seller has presented his goods delivered, and done his job to the best of his ability and can do no more to please - then he has the right to "block" the buyer thus cancelling the sale - he also has the right to block any buyer from the initial purchase.
If a buyer has been blocked "XX" times, then they must be moderated and looked at by CS and have their account reviewed.
Sellers won't turn down users money without good reason - that's a fact - it's just a very ignored fact of e-commerce where political correctness has overshadowed simple principle.
done - next!
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@ JohnAc
Your suggestion will not solve the problem just create a lot more work for staff members which may not even have the skill and experience to werify a wide wariaty of services from seo-traffic-likes etc
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Sellers can refuse any order. They have two options upon order - force cancel or mutual cancel (and even contacting support). I don't think refusing an order is the problem here, the problem comes after the order is delivered/completed.
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see this mans post above - Im talking about JohnAc ?
this is a superb example of why a "buyer block" is the ONLY solution
(and please try not to be offended John as it's not directed at you personally - but you as a buyer)
Even though this site is for all Nations (except those with a walled garden), the language set forth here is English.
I read your last post a grand total of (3) times and I still cannot fathom what the heck you just said the solution to be.
This is what we call simple, solid communication, or as Sheriff Buford T. Justice said best in that old movie - Smokey and the Bandit..
"What we have heeya... is a failya, to commune-cate"
Now, I'm sure your spoken word is fine to understand, "in person" - but to a seller it's very important that the buyer be able to convey his/her critical criteria of information needed for the seller to be able to complete your job. Now if I have a choice in sitting there for 5-10 minutes trying to decipher what you're wrote - I'd much rather just cancel the job and send you on your way as I will also assume that you may not even understand the job you just bought and what you should expect when I am done.
It's not a pick at you personally or culturally my friend - it's just a simple matter of communication and what I think that you could get wrong or confused about in the process. It's not worth the $5 to figure it all out for you.
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absolutely it is Robert - if a seller cancels a job right up front - it affects his/her rating
I would much rather have a button to block the sale without a negative effect and keep that person from buying from me again in the future.
That doesn't mean that YOU can't do business with him that's YOUR BUSINESS- It just means I don't want to - and that's MY BUSINESS.
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HD is the helpdesk but there is no need since all programming is routed to me and I've already read this.
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