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Nowadays we can find anything on internet with just a few clicks, but in this case, searching on Google maybe it's not enough to help me choosing the right vpn service. I don't have experience with them before, and i would like to hear some suggestions , if you've used vpn service before.
Please share your opinion...
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I've been using HMA (hidemyass) for years and I love it.
The pricing is pretty competitive, if not one of the best I've seen for the amount of features they offer and how user friendly the service actually is.
Monthly - $9.99 a month
6 month - $6.66 a month ($39.96 at sign up)
1 year - $4.99 a month ($59.88 at sign up)
I have the yearly membership and I don't use it everyday, but when I do need it, it's there ;)
Ease of Use:
I really love the fact that I can just click on my desktop icon and the software will open up in a few seconds. You can also minimize the software and it will run in the background and not be a bother by getting in the way. Connecting to HMAs servers is streamlined and all you really have to do is click "connect" and wait a few moments for it to configure everything and connect you to the best server that is available.
You can literally connect to servers all over the world. I'm not sure how many places they have servers for you to connect to because they're always updating and adding more each month. I've never had a problem connecting to a server from anywhere in the world because they usually have multiple servers for each location. Obviously the larger cities will have more servers, but that's pretty common.
In the end I highly recommend HMA for it's ease of use and affordable price tag
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