
Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?

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Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?

It's a well known fact that singing shanties or any song while working, even humming or whistling can speed up your work rate. The same can be said for listening to music too. It can help you relax and focus on the task at hand, especially if you like it.

But does some types of music speed you up more than other types of music?

What type of music can speed up your work rate even more?

Do you listen to music while doing your freelance work?

Do you find it speeds up your work load helping to get more done quicker?

I don't always listen to music when I'm working, usually I'll have the tele on in the background. But I notice, when I do, I seem to get more done much quicker.

Do you find this too? Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?


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Hey, this is a good question! I usually listen to music whenever I work. Perhaps not during the whole ~10 hours but at least for the most of it. For me, it's not always used in a way to be more relaxed, quite the opposite actually. I want to get that "boost" and be "fired up" so I can produce more and better. If I'd listen to slow, peaceful music I would get tired and I would lose focus, which would end up in less productiveness. As I'm a fan of American Idol, Talent, Swedish Idol etc. I usually go with some videos from youtube. That's perfect for me! Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?

Best Regards,

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Q: Do some types of music speed you up more than other types of music?
A: Definitely Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer? I like to listen to heavy metal with crazy guitar solos and I've noticed that I tend to speed up my work process when listening to this type of music. I'll put certain playlists on and my work will seem to get drawn out and it'll feel like I'm working 10 hours in a row when It's really just 2 hours Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?

Q: What type of music can speed up your work rate even more?
A: Like said above, I like heavy metal because of the guitar rifts. I think the higher the tempo the music has, the quicker you tend to work. You're basically getting into the beat and working as fast as it goes, or something like that (I haven't done any research on this).

Q: Do you listen to music while doing your freelance work?
A: Whenever I'm on my laptop I usually listen to music. And I do 99% of my work from my laptop so I guess I'd say yes to doing freelance work while listening to music Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer? I'll also turn on my playstation and have certain youtube playlists going when I'm working.

Q: Do you find it speeds up your work load helping to get more done quicker?
A: Oh yeah! Not only does it seem to speed up my work, but I feel like I didn't work as long as I actually did. I'll listen to some good music and work for 3-4 hours in a row but it'll feel like I've only worked 1-2 hours because of the tunes Does listening to music speed up your work rate as a freelancer?

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I work faster if there's some music around. Once I get into the groove, when I feel the music, the beat, I work faster and smoother. It's like all the words are coming to me whenever I'm writing content and besides music keeps my mind flowing, awake and alert.

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When i do coding / programming i need it to be quiet and peaceful so i can concentrate on my work. If there is music around, sometime i start following music or song and keep messing with my work. But after work, music relaxes me very much. I am musician too and even playing music makes me relax and feel good at my free time

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I'm the same way about certain types of work. Just yesterday, I had to leave a room where the TV was on as I could not focus on the tiny details with so much noise in the room. Peace and quiet plays a huge role in productivity for technical work. Though other times, I really enjoy having my music on, like while posting on Community Discussion, then it's very motivating and keeps me going. Of course, that's no surprise as writing is more creative and would be inspired by creative works of art.

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Hi mike thanks for interesting question. I think you are talking about amusement into the work. I am big fan of Bengali and English music and Bryan Adams my favorite singer. Beside, I am very used to watch television in my work place. But I do not listen music all times when I am in office, specially when I do working for any serious matter. I like to listen religious speech or address rather listening music in the office. And I do not think listening music speed up my work. Rather it is mostly take interruption. I listen music in working place when I feel bore after continue work for 2-3 hours.And I like to listen folk songs and solo music in off work.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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Actually I work better the quieter it is. I generally cannot manage to focus and concentrate on the task at hand if there is a sound that bothers me. When it comes to music I do not usually put on any background music while working. However sometimes I feel like relaxing a bit and to relieve the stress I put on some instrumental music to help me do so. However it has to be slow. I work better in that way and definitely would not opt for a track that is upbeat and fast as instead of making me speed things up in my writing it will make me end up with a headache and not do anything!

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Listening to music doesn’t speed up my work rate. I rarely listen to music while I am doing freelancing work. For me, listening to music distracts me and actually slows me down because I feel like I am concentrating on the music rather than the work; I prefer absolute silence. However, I do find that it is fine when I am doing something I do all the time but most of the time, I require silences so I can think about the work. I do like to listen to music when I am having a short break as it makes me feel relaxed.

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I find listening to music great when I am working, except when I am writing content. For some reason when I am writing content I like complete silence. I find it best for concentrating.

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Hey! Great question!! My whole family loves music, especially my children and I do tend to listen to music most of the time while working. When I do listen to music it is definitely more of an up beat kind of music because it allows me to get through my work quickly! I can not, however, listen to a slower tempo music or beat because it makes me want to just sit there, listen and meditate on the lyrics of the song instead of focusing on what I need to be doing! LOL!! Thanks for this discussion, it is pretty cool to get people's feedback on different topics.

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When I was ypunger, music was my usual companion particularly when I am reviewing for exams. But in my professional life, it seems that my fondness for music had waned. In my freelancing, I need a quiet place and music will only slow me down. I'm not really annoyed but when there is music, it somehow ruins my concentration.

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I listen to music but it doesn't speed up my work as a freelance but it slows down instead. Music makes work to be more fun and you won't get bored faster. Music destructs me in a good way like it prevents me from daydreaming. Because of this, I prefer to work in a silent environment if I want to work faster.

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Certainly, music keeps me going a lot of time and I'm tempted to say yes because even if it doesn't increase the pace but it keeps me going until the very end of the work which might not have possible because of boredom. people say they are less focus when it comes to working with music but the reverse is the case with me, I do more with music playing in the background, I feel I'm just doing one of my favorite hobbies I don't even like I'm working, so yes music helps a lot.

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I gave to admit that I work faster when I listen to slow jazz and big band music any music and no lyrics. Whenever I hear someone singing I get distracted by the words that's why I just like to hear the beat of the instruments.

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