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I have this outstanding idea for a superb app but I don't have any knowledge or experience in this field at all, so I'd appreciate whatever help I can get!
I know this app will be extremely powerful, helpful and I want to target construction companies and anything similar too that. It's even very likely that any company no matter their niche will start using this. I also know that they'll introduce this to their staff and personnel and I know it will be used world-wide. With that being said, I feel that I should take things a bit slow and introduce this app in Sweden (Where I live) to begin with. I have more or less figured out all features but I need to get it from paper into an actual app.
I do understand that this might sound like it's all about rainbows and sunshine, but this is true. I do have an idea and I'm very confident of the possibilities..
However, there's nothing much I can do with the idea alone. I need the app.
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