
How to get Facebook page verified?

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How to get Facebook page verified?

Can anybody tell me please, how t get a Facebook page verified? So far, only celebrity pages get verified.


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Hey Jabed92,

I found this on facebook:

If your Page's category is Local Businesses or Companies & Organizations, your Page may be eligible for a gray verification badge. If you're an admin, your Page has a profile picture and cover photo, and is eligible, you'll see this option in your Page's Settings. To verify your Page, you can use your business' publicly listed phone number or a business document (ex: phone bill). We'll only use this information to verify your Page.

To verify your Page:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page
  2. From General, click Page Verification
  3. Click Verify this Page, then click Get Started
  4. Enter a publicly listed phone number for your business, your country and language
  5. Click Call Me Now to allow Facebook to call you with a verification code
  6. Enter the 4-digit verification code and click Continue

If you prefer to verify your Page with a business document, follow the steps above and click Verify this Page with documents instead at the bottom left of the window that appears, then upload a picture of an official document showing your business' name and address.

After we receive your verification code or business document, we'll review your info to confirm that it matches public records and send you a notification or email about your verification status within a few days. Keep in mind that you're not required to verify your Page.

Note: If your Page represents a celebrity, public figure, sports team, media or entertainment, you may be eligible for a blue verification badge. To see if your Page is eligible, please fill out this form.


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Getting a verified badge on your Facebook page is a good idea as it shows authenticity and improves the amount of trust people will place on your page. I believe a small local business cannot get such verification. It seems that celebrities, public figures, global brands and businesses and important people such as government officials can get this verified badge.

Razzy gave all the necessary details on how to go about so as to get the verification request done, and if you can do it it should help your page do better since it shows that it is the actual page of the said person or business.

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Hi jabed92 thanks for you nice question. This is one of best feature by mark to protect users for fake profiles and pages of celebrities. As the presence on social media is become very important for celebrity, public figure or for any business to grow. So, they usually creates their pages on social media. But everyone create a page on the Facebook with any name. So, for example if there are two pages on Facebook both named same then how will you identify which one is official page and which is not?

Well If you are having well know business brand, websites or you are a celebrity then Facebook will automatically verify your page. There is no need to submit any manual request for Facebook page verification. But if you don’t have such popular brand name or you are not a celebrity the how to verify Facebook page . You have to submit manual request to Facebook for page verification.

Razzy descried very well so, follow his instruction if needed.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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