
What are the most common facets of a search engine and how does it affect SEO?

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What are the most common facets of a search engine and how does it affect SEO?

To better optimize your site, you need to understand the basic facets of a search engine and how each one interacts with your site.

For instance, there are spiders and crawlers and both do different jobs.

The spider downloads your site, while the crawler follows all links. The concept of Indexer is an algorithm that looks at your web data which was collected previously and makes a determination of it's worth.


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Spider and crawler do one work. That is - they store the all website data and updated data on their data base and when any person from any where in this world search any thing by entering keyword and than search engine show the result in front of the keyword searcher within a second.


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I have read in one discussion in another forum that you can equip your website with a software that blocks crawlers and spiders. And if that is possible, what happens if you install that in your computer? Will the search engine fail to penetrate your website and not be able to check it for the indexing? That anti-crawler software is against the possibility of a malware entering the website. Thank you in advance for the answer.

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