AreYou Ready To Tap Into The New Psychology of Success?It’sAbout Time For You To Learn The Power of Self-Discipline!
Myfriend Kevin is one of the smartest people I know, hands down.In fact,in many cases, he got awards and honors and he didn't even have to show up for
the lectures.Iremember laughing when he asked me for any notes that I had for a class he
completely ditched. How can this guy ever pass, much less get an A, when he
didn't even bother to show up?Boy,was I surprised when the guy got better grades than I did. And he didn't cheat.
That's how talented Kevin was and still is.ButKevin, just like most people, had a weakness. HisProblem Was Self-DisciplineNow,he is twice divorced, living in an apartment whose rent he could barely afford,
and constantly drinking his problems away.Purchase this Self-Discipline value pack to dominate the power of Self-Discipline!