Create ebook for you - Ready to publish on kindle
I'll write ebook for you on your topic. The ebook contain approx 7 - 15 pages depend on topic.
What you'll get?
- Ready to publish ebook on kindle.
- Multiple formats like (Doc, Epub, RTF, KDP)
- 24/7 support to publish your ebook if you'll do it yourself. Else i'll do it for you as a add on you need to buy in this gig.
Benefits to publish ebook
There are several benefits to publishing an ebook on Amazon Kindle, including:
- Wide audience reach
- Higher royalties
- Control over pricing
- Marketing opportunities
- Brand building
Why me?
I published 5 ebook on kindle you can check below mention link. Have good experience of publishing ebook on kdp and multiple ebook publications.
Note - You can create author page like i created on amazon.
Available 24/7 to answer your query related to this gig. Deliver your order on time so you'll check the website.
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