
48 Business Ideas that Require Less than 1,000 to Start for $37

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48 Business Ideas that Require Less than 1,000 to Start

"48 Business Ideas that Require Less than $1,000 to Start" is for those who are eager and serious about running their own business but not sure about what business to start and how to go about creating and running their own establishment.

What you will learn from this book:

  • 48 fantastic business ideas that require little capital (less than $1,000)
  • Basic tools and tactics required to successfully and efficiently manage small businesses
  • The 8 secrets of successful entrepreneurship
  • How to implement each idea in details
  • Where to get customers for each business idea
  • The exact requirements for each business
  • Growth venues for your business and how it could grow from less than $1,000 to multi-million


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$37 - In stock