
2 Attractive Logo Design for $15

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2 Attractive Logo Design

Also if you like you can keep up to date and hear some of my very recent work by liking my new facebook page.....

I am a professional vo actor and I would love to record a 30 sec spot, for $15!
I will deliver any vo within 24 hours of your order. ONE DAY DELIVERY!

If your script is longer than 30 sec, please purchase additional gigs as necessary

I will do my best to fix any l errors found in your script, in order to give you a perfect and professional voiceover.

I have done and continue to do radio spots, elearning, continuity, webspots etc and write also. I regularly work for tv and radio stations along with productions houses across the uk ireland and some countries including australia and america.

Im 34 years of age and of an irish accent

I strive to make every client happy with each job and have a home studio set up.


Logodesign Attractive Photoshop Eidt Business


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