
Get PROFESSIONAL Ecover Design for $5

96.5% (396)

Get PROFESSIONAL Ecover Design

★★ Also check our service extras for more value ★★

Ecovers are unique special ways of advertising your online products and services to the public as they comes in different layouts,styles or designs to look very attractive and marketable.
We will create a
PROFESSIONAL Ecover (2D or 3D) that will suit your requirements,description and niche to drive sales to your products.
Our Ecover 3D layout covers the following designs and comes in different styles:
✔ Hardcover books.
✔ Paperback books
✔ binders & notebooks
✔ CDs & DVDs and thier cases
✔ Boxes
✔ Magazines & Reports
✔ brochures & stationery
✔ and Extras like cans,paperbag,badge,bottle,laptop etc.

TYPE: Package design
STYLE: 2D (flat) and 3D model
File Format: JPG, PNG, PSD, TIF.
NOTE; We offer 3 revisions to the design until you are completely satisfied.
✔ Your FLAT cover picture/image.
✔ Your
Your short descriptional words of what your offer is all about. (PLEASE VERY SHORT DESCRIPTION)
✔ Your website link if you are creating it for your site.

✔ Your images that you want to be included in the design
Feel free to message us if you have any questions

Check our gig extras to add more value to your ecover design
[1]. we will include a royalty High quality stock image in your design. Such image will be related to the niche of your product, website or services. such niche covers web, transportation, sports, health, religion, lifestyle, internet and many more.
[2]. we will do unlimited revisions for your design in case you may need to edit some things now or later.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] we will give you all the PSD SOURCE FILES in case you may need to do some changes to your ecover design either now or later in life.
[4]. we will deliver all your designs within 2 days in case you need them as fast as possible
[5]. we will create a SIDE and BACK ecover design in addition to the front design. This helps to add more glamor and originality to your ecover design.
[6]. we will design a High quality website banner that you can use for banner advertising and online marketing of your products or service.
[7]. we will design a Professional logo that you can use to brand your product or service anywhere both online and offline.
[8]. we will design a professional business card to brand your business or service to anyone and any organization for branding and marketing.
[9]. we will design your website banner in all the 7 dimensional banner designs --- 460x60, 720x90, 160x600, 120x600, 300x250, 300x300, 125x125.
[10]. we will design a twitter or/and youtube timeline image covers for your social media campaign marketing of your product or service or website.
[11]. we will provide you a custom design with UNLIMITED REVISIONS until you are fully satisfied.
[12]. we will design a High quality poster or leaflet or flyer for your website, products or service.
[13]. we will design your website banner in all the 7 dimensional banner designs --- 460x60, 720x90, 160x600, 120x600, 300x250, 300x300, 125x125.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] we will design a premium ecover bundle package with CDs, DVDs + thier covers all in one package as shown below

Check out few of our ecover design samples below


Ecover Products Marketing Design Logos Graphics Banners Website


1 reviews

Rating breakdown

  • 1
  • 0

10 years ago
great work.. will use your service again
nice working with you,. great buyer. hope to see you again


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Get the PSD SOURCE FILES in case you may need to make any change later in future 1 days $4
we will give you a royalty stock image related to your niche for your design 1 days $4
Get ecover bundle styles + CDs, DVDs + their covers, all in one package 1 days $12
we will do unlimited revisions for your design in case need be 2 days $15
we will design your website banner in all the 7 dimensional banner designs 3 days $20
we will design a professional business card for your website, business marketing 2 days $5
we will create a SIDE and BACK ecover design in addition to the front design. 2 days $6
we will design a twitter timeline cover image 2 days $5
we will design a poster or flyer for your product, business 2 days $5
we will design a Professional logo for your site, product, business etc 2 days $5
we will design a Google plus image cover 2 days $5
we will provide you a CUSTOM design with UNLIMITED REVISIONS 3 days $20
we will design a YouTube timeline cover image for your business, product, site 2 days $5

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Get PROFESSIONAL Ecover Design for $5 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 1 user reviews.
$5 - In stock

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